In-Ear Insights How to Vet and Hire an Analytics Agency or Employee

In-Ear Insights: How to Vet and Hire an Analytics Agency or Employee

In this episode of In-Ear Insights, the Trust Insights podcast, Katie and Chris discuss how to vet and hire the right analytics expert or analytics agency for your business. We cover the importance of having your processes and goals clearly defined before bringing on help, so you can assess if a potential hire or agency is truly a good fit. We explain the types of strategic questions an analytics expert should ask in the interview process to demonstrate their experience. We also compare the pros and cons of hiring an individual contractor versus an entire analytics agency. Finally, we offer suggestions on evaluating skills and certifications when deciding between candidates. The key takeaway is doing your homework on your business needs first allows you to hire the right level of analytics talent.


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In-Ear Insights: How to Vet and Hire an Analytics Agency or Employee

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Christopher Penn 0:00

In this week’s In-Ear Insights, let’s go back to our roots.

I know we’ve been talking a lot about artificial intelligence lately, but one of the things that is so important is things like AI feed off of the data we already have, right? We have analytics systems of all kinds.

We have Adobe analytics, Google Analytics pathoma, we have Salesforce and Hubspot, all these different marketing systems that contain tons of data.

It’s valuable data.

And very often, it’s data that is not in very good condition.

So sometimes we need to bring in outside help, we need to bring in a new team member, maybe a consultant, maybe an agency, and one of the questions that we get a lot is how do I know who to to bring on? And the sort of the unvoiced question is, how do I not know that they’re not full of as the Spanish what’s the excrement? Are they Toto?

Katie Robbert 0:55

I’ve heard that one in a while.

You know, and it’s such an interesting question.

And it it goes under, you know, why you should have a really strong hiring manager, which isn’t for this episode, but you know, for to get it to get a good understanding of what someone can and can’t do.

It’s not enough to just say, hey, so you’ve worked with data before, right? And they say, Yeah, of course I have you, you need to dig deeper.

And so the way that I like to approach that is to ask more scenario based questions that you the interviewer already have a decent understanding of what the answer should be.

So, you know, for example, if I asked you, Chris, you know, which is the better model to use lasso regression, pi squared, like, whatever the model is? I don’t know the answer to that question.

And that’s a really bad question for me to ask if I can’t tell if your blessing.

But if I say, you know, what is your favorite? Like, if you were, if I asked you to do an attribution analysis, what would be your first pick of a model to use? You’re gonna say, you know, mark off or whatever? Again, I’m not going to know the answer.

But I can then follow up with, like, help me understand why you chose that model, versus something else, you know, our CEO is going to say, you know, I just want to know the last thing someone did.

And so it’s in your explanation of, well, I would choose a lasso regression versus an A B test, you know, for the following reasons because of the validity, and so on, so forth.

And so it’s really getting that deeper knowledge, you, as the hiring manager don’t have to follow every single part of the conversation.

But if someone can’t explain to you why they’re making those choices, then it’s pretty much a non starter for me.

So, Chris, as an actual analytics expert, and not me fumbling through it with all of the wrong terminology, what are some of the things that you would be looking for?

Christopher Penn 3:06

It is going to be depend on your system, right? So what, what is your Mar tech stack look like? And this is why governance is so important.

Because if you don’t have anything written down, if you don’t even know what you have, that it’s very hard to make a hire.

It’s like going into a kitchen, not knowing what appliances and what, what pans and utensils you have, and they’re like, Okay, we need to hire a chef.

Well, okay.

What do we what do we, what are we trying to do? So this actually goes back, unsurprisingly, to the five feet, right? What are you trying to do that works? It really is, what are you trying to do? The people obviously, is the the sort of the equation we’re trying to solve for.

You have processes written down and documented already.

If you don’t, you know, that’s, that’s probably important.

And then what platforms do you have? And then what is the outcome you’re after.

And so a oh, this is almost kind of algebra.

If you think about it, there’s one, there’s a variable you’re trying to solve for most and hiring, it’s the people variable of the five P’s.

So you have to have all the other components of the equation on the other side of the equation so that you know those because the last thing you want an algebra is a bunch of unknowns, you’re like, I can’t solve this, like X plus Y plus equals cube.

You can’t solve that because there’s not enough information.

But if you have a variable, and then you have your constants, your knowns, then you’re in good shape.

So let’s take for example, Google Analytics 4.

That’s our platform.


What are the processes around that? Like, how, who’s using the data? How is it being used? What, what answers you trying to get? And then from there, you can start to ask questions in that process, like, Okay, you’re an analyst, and we have Google Analytics 4.

And our our executive team cares very much about where they’re spending money.

So talk to me about how you would do attribution analysis within the tool.

Will itself to arrive at an answer of how to how to allocate budget and spend.

And then the the respondents answer should be well, which attribution model are you using within the tool? Are you using data driven? The time to event decay model? Are you using last click? What do you what do you currently use? And is there a valid business reason why you’ve chose that word? Is that just what the product suggested? And you just kind of went with it? That’s how I would start to pick out a person’s expertise is to say, Okay, well, what? What would you do to get to this outcome? And it’s okay, if they ask it’s ideal if they ask a bunch of questions back to you to say, Well, what about this? What about this? I would actually be very wary of someone who’s like, oh, yeah, almost you always use data driven attribution.

Like, yep.

But you don’t know anything about our business.

Katie Robbert 5:54

You actually just hit on? I’m glad you brought that up.

Because that is, when you are vetting someone in the analytics field specifically, you almost always should get questions back before you get answers.

A true and analytics expert is going to ask more questions before they give you an answer.

So, you know, in that example, Chris, if you say, you know, how would you approach attribution modeling within our system? They should absolutely be asking more questions before they give you an answer.

That is a huge red flag.

Because just picking an attribution model be like, well, you should be using last click, or you should be using you know, time decay.

Okay, but why they should be asking more detailed requirements, gathering questions in order to do the analysis.

Very rarely, if ever, does someone have enough information? Right off the bat, in order to answer a question with data, there has to be more exploratory.

So you’re absolutely right.

If the person you’re interviewing doesn’t ask more follow up questions to get more detail, then that is definitely something that you want to watch out for.

Because that does indicate overconfidence, that indicates probably a little bit of blessing.

And someone who’s not going to really take care of your data.

Christopher Penn 7:18


Even something as simple as, like, how does your company make money? Right? That’s a really important question.

Like how, if you’ve got an e commerce website, that’s very different than, say, a B2B company like us.

And you’re gonna have you’re gonna use Google Analytics and totally different ways.

If you are a B2C e commerce versus say, a nonprofit, and a nonprofits going to have very different uses of of Google Analytics.

So it’s even something as simple as that.

Now, granted, you would hope that the candidate or the agency would have done at least some homework, like, look, the website, but it’s still a relevant question.

You know, it might be a deeper dive.

So you say, Okay, I’ve been to the Trust Insights website.

It looks like you guys have got contact forms for this and that.

So talk to me about what happens after someone submits contact form.

Does that go into other systems? Do we need to see if Google Analytics ties into those systems? Like it looks like you guys using Hubspot? Do you have Google Analytics integrated with Hubspot? Those be quick follow up questions I would expect someone to ask.

It’s like, it’s like going to the doctor.

Right? You say, Doctor, my arm hurts.

And the doctor is like, Okay, it’s time for surgery like, whoa.

You should be asking some more questions.

Katie Robbert 8:33

Well, even just a basic question, you know, not even how do you make your money? But you know, what is your What are you trying to understand within attribution analysis so that I can give you an appropriate response? Because there’s going to be different versions of that answer, depending on what your goal is.

And so if I want to know, where people are coming from when they get to my website, that’s going to be one version of attribution.

If I want to know why people aren’t staying on my website, or if I want to know, you know, how many times you know, the contact form gets hit versus a newsletter, those are very different responses.

So again, you know, if you’re trying to vet, an analytics expert or to analytics agency, they should be giving you a lot of homework, they should be asking you a lot of questions that you’re like, Oh, I thought you could just answer this, like, with some data? Well, yeah, we can.

But we need to know what the, what the story is, first, what the requirements are, what the guardrails are.

You know, if you’re interviewing someone or vetting an analytics agency, and you say, you know, I really want to understand, you know, our sales seasonality, for example, if they start talking about Twitter, and you’re not active on Twitter, you know, again, that’s sort of a Do you really even know what you’re talking about? Or are you just trying to sound like you know what you’re talking about? So, Chris, without getting too technical into the you know, different kinds kinds of models, machine learning, so on so forth.

What are some of the things that people, analytics experts themselves who are in the position of being interviewed, you know, should be talking about? What are some of the questions that they should be anticipating? Or if they’re not getting them, they themselves should be asking.

Christopher Penn 10:21

So let me show you something.

This is one of the migration templates we have.

So this is for migrating to Google Analytics 4.

You will note, it might be a little bit hard to see let’s zoom in a little bit here.

You will note that the majority of this template is several pages long, is questions? Right? It’s not follow these all the steps that I follow is like, I need to know the answer to these questions before I can do a migration.

One of the, I guess, green flags, if we go the opposite direction, one of the green flags to look for in a candidate in a consultant in an agency is and I can’t believe I’m saying this.

Standard Operating Procedures, templates, checklists.


Things that provide evidence that the person or the agency has done this before, and that they have documented the gotchas, the note the things that you know, are just going to go wrong.

And so you have lists of questions and things that upfront, like, Okay, here’s a good one.

What agreements government accounting is, is GDPR an issue who is the DPO? If you go into Google Analytics, and and you just have a consultant, willy nilly checking things off, they are signing documents with Google on your behalf.

And that can be a very, very bad thing.

So even something as simple as that, which is not a technical thing, but it is a configuration thing.

There should be questions in their standard operating procedures, like who is the DPO, who has the legal authority to authorize an agreement with Google.

And if those things are not present, again, that’s kind of a yellow flag that maybe they haven’t done this before, or they’ve not done it before in the situation where say, like, compliance is important.

Katie Robbert 12:08

And that’s a big part of it.

And I think there’s a lack of understanding of the legal and compliance side of the data in an analytics role.

And so maybe you as the analyst aren’t necessarily worried about, you know, is the data secure, that we want to pass legal, but those are things that will impact your role if they aren’t done correctly, or if you’re not familiar with things like GDPR and CCPA, you may not be actually doing anything within your analysis that you know, worries about that stuff.

But you need to know I’m only getting a partial data set because of GDPR or because of CCPA.

Or because of, you know, PII you know, and that’s just another piece of the puzzle that if you the interviewer aren’t asking those questions.

They should be bringing the interviewee should be bringing them up.

Christopher Penn 13:05


And the good news is, this stuff is not arcane.

This stuff is not, you know, mystical, never heard of for all the systems that are out there.

These checklists and things already exist, so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.

I’ll show you an example.

This is from Adobe itself.

This is for Adobe analytics.

And this is basically Adobe’s, what to do when you’ve inherited an Adobe analytics system.

And there are this is a multistage spreadsheet that has resources that has questions to ask it again, look at this, this is all questions this is not do this, then this, then this.

This is are you currently importing offline data? are you leveraging a data layer for data collection? On the integrations on the reporting side? Do you know which reporting tools to use for the right use cases? Are you already leveraging data feeds? This is Adobe’s blueprint for how to audit analytics.

And so I would expect any consultant or any agency that works in the Adobe ecosystem, to at least have knowledge that these tools provided by Adobe exist, and that you have some variation of this, you meant you might not use Adobe stock version, you might have your own, you know, secret sauce version, but there should be a version.

And there should be a version that you feel comfortable sharing with a prospective client to say, here’s the process we’re going to use.

And are there things in here that don’t apply to your organization? And then are there other concerns that you have that aren’t addressed in the, you know, the, the boilerplate version?

Katie Robbert 14:37

Well, and you know, again, you bring up another really interesting point that I want to dig deeper on to is the process.

And so if Chris, you’re the one being interviewed, and I say to you, you know, one of the things we want you to do is run an attribution analysis on our Adobe data.

My expectation is you would start to ask like, well, what is your process? For getting data out of Adobe right now, is it automated? Do you use the API? Do I have to manually export things? And so an analyst that you’re vetting should be asking, you know, what are you doing currently? Before answering that question? You know, again, it’s back to that exploratory.

They need to know more information before they can give you a solid answer.

And so, you know, in that example of Adobe analytics, so maybe they don’t, you know, have the deep, deep knowledge that all of those documents already exist by Adobe.

But if you’re saying we work with Adobe analytics, for example, as our primary, you know, record keeping system for what goes on with our website.

And we want you to run reports from there, they should start asking questions like, well, how often do you run reports? Are those reports automated? Do you use the workspace? Or do you, you know, create these reports ad hoc? How do I get the data? How do you currently get the data out? Is there you know, security protocols that I need to figure out? Or be aware of? or establish? Who has access to the data? Am I the only one who has access to the data? Do you have an auditing trail when the data gets changed? Who knows about it? Those are all questions that should be brought up, not by you, the interviewer, but by the interviewee to get a better understanding of your system before answering this is how I would do it.

Christopher Penn 16:27


Who’s how is the state of being used? Something as simple as that.

And and understanding this is something especially true for consultants and agencies understanding the implicit asks, right, so there’s, there’s really three different fundamental implicit asks that, when a client comes and says, we need some help with data.

One is, hey, we need to save some time, our team is just all over the place.

And we’re doing everything manually we need help to is, hey, we want to make some money.

We know there’s there’s money in here.

And three is, I’m a person in charge, I need to cover my ass and keep my job.


Those are the three basic asks, and understanding.

You know, what the implicit ask is from the different people in the organization is going to really impact how you implement an analytics installation, how you do analysts consulting, because if you are, if you are dealing with multiple stakeholders, and they each have different priorities, how you talk about an analytics implementation, how you do analytics, work changes, right? If there’s what the person is just trying to keep their job, you know, that’s you’re going to do very different work than the person is like, hey, I need to make some money from this data.

Katie Robbert 17:48

Yeah, absolutely.

And so again, as you’re vetting and interviewing analytics agencies and analytics experts, these are the kinds of questions that they should be asking you.

And so I do want to be clear, like you’re not trying to ask trick questions, you’re not trying to manipulate the conversation.

But you’re basically setting up the conversation to see does this analytics expert ask follow up questions? Or are they just going to give me an answer? And so you already know, as the interviewer is the person responsible for making the decision, if the person I’m interviewing, if the agency I’m interviewing isn’t asking more detailed questions in the interview, they’re probably not going to once they actually start doing the work.

Now, there are instances where that’s fine.

It really depends on the level of expertise of the person, depending on what you need them for sort of going up from, you know, basic beginner, I just need you to do what’s being asked of you, as you’re learning versus an expert, which is what we’re talking about in this instance, you need them to be leading the conversation, you need them to come in and know more than you about the data.

And so if they’re not asking the questions, they’re probably not the right expert.

Christopher Penn 19:03

And I think that’s a really important distinction as well, particularly when, when you’re dealing with agencies is there’s three levels of of practitioner, right, there’s the how, like how to do this thing.

There’s a what is the thing that we should be doing? And then there’s Why is we’re doing the thing, and that corresponds really to execution tactics and strategy.

If you are hiring an agency or consultant or professional on or a problem, you need to be clear yourself, Am I asking for execution help? I asked him for tactical, I’m asking for strategic help.

And the people who are are brought before you need to need to fit your ask right if you’re asking for tactical help, and you get some strategies like oh, I have these these great big picture ideas about how to revamp your your analytic strategy in your business strategy.

Like no, I just need help fixing this thing, right.

Likewise, you might say like, I need stripe and you get somebody who’s stuck in the weeds like, well, which of these 22 buttons and features in your ears? Do you need to fix? Like, that’s not what I need help with, I need help with how should I be measuring things in general.

And that mismatch is really important.

So part of your, your job is to be very clear, like this is the the expectations I have, at the strategic level at the tactical level at the execution level, so that I know what questions to even ask a candidate.

Katie Robbert 20:29

And that goes back to making sure that you are going through the five P’s.

But then also creating those user stories.

Not only from your perspective as the hiring manager, but also from the perspective of the person you’re interviewing, so that you can get a better understanding of what it is that you’re asking back to that purpose, what is the problem I’m trying to solve by hiring this individual or this agency to complete to do something? What is the thing? And you’re absolutely right, Chris, you want to be clear on execution, tactics and strategy, because those are very different skill sets.

And the types of conversations you’re going to have in an interview, are going to be very different.

So if you’re looking for someone just to help with execution, then they shouldn’t, they don’t need to necessarily be asking about, you know, governance and legal and they just need to know, how often do you generate the reports? What is the frequency? Who are the users, you know, the tactical is you start to get more into the well, what are the segments? So that was set up? And so on, so forth? And then the strategy is, well, what’s the overall goal for using this system in the first place? Why, why this? Why, you know, these goals? How do you, you know, make decisions with the data.

So there’s very different types of questions that you should be getting from an analyst depending on what you’re asking of them.

Christopher Penn 21:54


And so all of this goes into, if you think about it, like we’re saying, it’s kind of like algebra, if you’re trying to solve for people, you need to have all the other things on the other side of the equation solved before the first interview.

And if you don’t have that, then it you’re, you’re you run the risk of not getting the right people, and not getting making, making a bad hire, or locking yourself into a consulting contract where you just you hire somebody, and they do, because you don’t have you don’t have clarity for yourself.

They don’t have clarity, and then they just kind of do what they do.

And we’ve run into situations with clients where there’s been a consulting agency that is kind of doing stuff and making work, that doesn’t add any value, because it doesn’t solve the problem of why they are brought in in the first place.

Katie Robbert 22:45

Yeah, they’re just trying to, quote unquote, establish value.

But all of the things that are being generated aren’t going to be used by anyone.

And so there is a lot of due diligence that you as the interviewer or decision maker has to do first, then you can start to bring other people on, you know, it’s a very common, you know, I’ll call it a mistake, because we’ve all made it of we’re underwater, we need help, let’s just get some people in to help us.

And great, it’s a panic move, it may be solves the problem for a couple of weeks.

But it’s not a long term solution.

Because you’re missing that purpose.

You’re missing the people and the process and the platform and the performance, how do you know that this is a thing? Maybe it got us over the hump.

But now what, like the panic is over.

But is it that’s a different panic, the initial panic is over.

And we’ve introduced six more layers of panic.

Christopher Penn 23:42


And that’s, that’s a ripple effect of making bad hires.

Whether it’s a person or an agency is every every person who works with your organization is going to have an impact on it in some fashion.

And there can be substantial ripple effects in an analytics context, let’s say using Google Analytics, and let’s say you’ve built a custom channel grouping for for a channel for your actual channel attribution.

A bad hire means that you have a bunch of data now in GTA four that you’re stuck with, right? You might have a month or two months of data that is unusable, because the configuration was wrong.

And you can never get it back.


You can never retro actively go back and fix it.

And so that person or that agency, or whatever, just kind of left that book, very obvious fingerprint belly, oh, this is this is something that went really wrong.

Katie Robbert 24:37

Well, and, you know, to piggyback on that, it’s also a really expensive endeavor to keep trying to hire over and over and over again, there’s a cost associated with it.

There’s Hard and Soft dollars associated with, you know, hiring, even if it’s hiring contractors, even if it’s hiring agencies and not full time staff.

There is a cost associated and that turnover adds up, you know, so You have your technical debt, you have your data debt, you have your data quality, but then you have the actual dollars spent on training someone onboarding someone off boarding someone, and so on so forth.

It adds up and it gets really, really expensive.

And at the end of the year, you’re no better off than where you started.

Christopher Penn 25:19


Speaking of money, let’s talk about briefly how do you know when to hire an FTE? How do you know what to hire consultant? Or how do you know what to hire an agency? Now obviously, if you have budget constraints within the organization, like your organization says, Hey, we’ve we’ve frozen headcount, okay, well, that that makes pretty easy.

You can’t make an FTE hire, you’d have to hire a consultant or an agency.

But Katie, in terms of other considerations, besides budget, and you know, which, which pool of money staffing come from, how do you decide, yeah, we need to make a full time hire versus we need to hire a contractor or we need to hire a third party agency?

Katie Robbert 25:58

I think it depends, honestly, back to the, what are we asking them to do? Is that the execution? Is it the tactics? Is it the strategy, if it’s just execution, then I’m pretty comfortable hiring a contractor, because the expectations can be very easily set, the tasks can be time boxed, and you can put the guardrails and say this is exactly what I want you to do.

When you’re starting to get into the tactics and the strategy, that’s when you need to consider a deeper bench of knowledge.

And that’s not to say you can’t get that with a contractor or a freelancer.

But is this someone that if you’re building out strategic plans, do you want to have them invested in your company long term, probably, you want to have them be able to see the thing through, you want to have them grow with the strategy, if you want to have them own it, for example, or if you just want to have them weighing in.

So you can bring in a contractor or a consultant, if you have the team to build the strategy, they just need a little bit of extra color and expertise into it.

Versus you need someone to build the strategy from the ground up, you probably want to hire an agency that can be with you long term as a partner, or someone full time who can really own and develop that institutional knowledge of what you’re doing what you’re not doing the nuance of your customers, that’s harder to do with a contractor, not because they’re not capable, but because of what you can and can’t do with a contractor legally, you know, in terms of professional development, and those kinds of things.

Christopher Penn 27:35

I think that’s that’s a really good way of looking at it, it’s it comes down to scale and diversity of of knowledge.

With an agency, you are obviously the agency you pay for whatever results you’re getting.

But behind the scenes, there might be one person on the account five people on the account 15 people on the account and you as the client, you don’t care, you just want the work that needs to get done.

But having that capability in agency allows the agency to scale to the account.

Whereas again, with a contractor, they’re they’re human beings, so they can only scale so much, right? 168 hours a week is the maximum that an individual human being can give.

But it also is that diversity of knowledge, if an agency has even so no Trust Insights is not a huge conglomerate by any means.

But even just having access to the you know, the four or five people we have on our bench is more than having any one of us as an individual contractor, right? Because ours combined skill sets not only allow us to offer more in general, but to create synergies that you can’t get alone in one person that you and I working on an account is going to be a very different experience on that account, because we have different skill sets that complement each other, that neither one of us is good at alone.

Katie Robbert 28:51

Right? Well, then I think that that’s also, you know, when you’re talking about one full time person, one contractor or an agency, you know, the benefit of hiring an agency is that you do get that diversification of skill sets, versus, you know, bringing on one person full time.

Now you have that one dedicated resource, but they have limitations to their own skills.

Sure, you can grow them but that takes time.

The same is true of a contractor, you have limitations, not only of their skill sets, but even more so of their time because a contractor tends to be working on other projects, other clients, you can do a contract to hire but again, you’re sort of limited in terms of scope and scale.

And so there are definite benefits to an agency.

The downside to that because we need to make sure we’re also covering that is that you know, an agency, it’s easier for you as the client to get lost if it’s a larger agency, in terms of what’s reality.

And what are you being told is happening because, you know, to your point, Chris, there may be 15 people working on the account but you only ever interface with One person.

So you don’t actually have transparency into what’s going on behind the scenes, whereas with a contractor, that’s easier.

And so when you’re vetting an agency, you know, there’s a reason why clients when they’re going through the proposal stage, they want to know every single person who’s going to touch the account.

But then if you start to see as the person making the decision, while there’s like 20 3040 people listed, is that a red flag? Or am I okay with that now? Am I okay with never really knowing who’s doing the work?

Christopher Penn 30:30


And you know that it’s a topic for another show another time about how value based building and stuff works, because I think there’s that’s consideration with agencies as well.

But from the context of this discussion, you definitely want to get a sense of of who your team is, and what skill sets they bring to the table.

So if you were hiring an agency for, say, Google Analytics, 4 help, and you look at the roster of people they have, and none of them are certified thing.

That seems like a miss.

Katie Robbert 31:00


And so there’s definitely again, this goes back to you as the hiring manager as the company who’s looking for the help making sure you go through the five P process and that you have a good understanding of not only the problem you’re trying to solve, but the type of person or persons you need to bring in to solve that problem.

And so that goes into do they have? Do I need them to have Google Analytics certifications? Or is it okay, if they don’t? Do I need them to be Hubspot certified? Or is it okay? If they don’t, those are decisions you need to make ahead of time.

And you know, it’s okay if you change your mind in the middle of the interview process.

But you need to have a clear understanding of at least the blueprint going into it.

Christopher Penn 31:43

Exactly those blueprints are, again, they’re a good indicator, when you’re working with an agency or consultant, or even a full time employee that that person has done it before, and knows what can go wrong.

Because, as I often say, as I’ve heard from many teachers and mentors over the years, the definition of an expert is not someone who knows that, who can do things? Well, it’s an expert is someone who knows what’s going to go wrong and prevents it as much as possible before it goes wrong.

That’s that’s, to me, the definition of true expertise is, you know, all the ways this is gonna go sideways.

Katie Robbert 32:18

And I think that, you know, that’s a really good point to end on is that your experts should have if you’re hiring a true expert, they should have been there done that.

And you know, they bought the t shirt, and then they can tell you about the experience.

Christopher Penn 32:34

Exactly, it’s no surprise that expert and experience have the same linguistic background.

So we’ve covered a lot today on betting an analytics firm or vetting an analytics consultant or vetting an analytics potential employee.

If you have some thoughts that you would like to share about your experiences, either as the hiring manager or as the consultant or the person being hired, pop on by our free slack group go to trust for marketers, who are you know, 3500 other marketers are asking and answering each other’s questions every single day.

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Thanks for tuning in.

I will talk to you next time.

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Trust Insights ( is one of the world's leading management consulting firms in artificial intelligence/AI, especially in the use of generative AI and AI in marketing. Trust Insights provides custom AI consultation, training, education, implementation, and deployment of classical regression AI, classification AI, and generative AI, especially large language models such as ChatGPT's GPT-4-omni, Google Gemini, and Anthropic Claude. Trust Insights provides analytics consulting, data science consulting, and AI consulting.

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