Ghost Jobs

Ghost Jobs

This data was originally featured in the July 10th, 2024 newsletter found here: INBOX INSIGHTS, JULY 10, 2024: DEVELOPING A SUSTAINABLE AI INTEGRATION STRATEGY, GHOST JOBS

In this week’s Data Diaries, it’s the start of a new quarter, and that always means changes in the hiring market. However, this week let’s tackle a specific phenomenon that’s really unpleasant: ghost jobs.

What is a ghost job? It’s any job opening that an employer has no intention of filling. In a survey of 101 articles on the topic, I had Google Gemini surface the highlights:

Prevalence Estimates:

  • 40% of Companies: A 2024 Resume Builder survey of 650 hiring managers found that 40% of companies admitted to posting a fake job listing. (Source: CBS News)
  • 43% of Managers: A Clarify Capital survey of over 1,000 hiring managers revealed that 43% admitted to posting ghost jobs. (Source: The Epoch Times)
  • 68% of Listings Active Over 30 Days: A Forbes article cites a study (without specific sourcing) indicating 68% of hiring managers keep job postings active for over 30 days, with 1 in 10 extending them for over 6 months. (Source: Forbes)
  • 1 in 2 Job Postings Don’t Result in a Hire: Analysis from Revelio Labs, a workforce intelligence firm, suggests that currently 1 in 2 job postings don’t lead to a hire, a significant increase from 1 in 5 in 2018. (Source: NPR)
  • Over Half of US Jobs Unfilled in 2023: A recruitment expert quoted in a 9Now article states that over half of jobs advertised in the US in 2023 were not filled. (Source: 9Now)

Additional Data Points:

  • 1.8 Million LinkedIn Jobs Over a Month Old: NBC News reported that over 1.8 million jobs on LinkedIn had been posted for at least a month, indicating many were likely inactive. (Source: NBC News)
  • 73% of Job Seekers Encountered Ghost Jobs: A Business Standard survey found that 73% of over 1,000 respondents had experienced a ghost job at least once. (Source: Money Digest)

Prompting Gemini to explore the data more, I asked why this is occurring:

Reasons for Ghost Jobs:

  • Talent Pooling: Companies use these postings to collect resumes and build a database of potential candidates for future openings. (Source: Forbes)
  • Employer Branding: Some firms use ghost jobs to project an image of growth and attract investors or potential employees, even if they aren’t actively expanding. (Source: TechAcuteSource: Forbes)
  • Employee Motivation: Some employers post fake job ads to make existing employees feel pressured and work harder, believing they could be easily replaced. (Source: CBS News)
  • Tax Write-Offs: Some companies might use ghost job postings to take advantage of tax deductions for recruitment expenses. (Source: Money Digest)

Thanks, AI. Okay, let’s put our human hats back on. What does all this mean? What should we do about it?

For job seekers in particular, it means an uphill slog. When 1 out of 2 jobs posted isn’t real, it effectively means doubling the number of job applications you submit because half of them aren’t going to pan out.

A couple of things stood out from all the data and analysis. First, freshness counts. Treat job listings like fruit – go for the freshest first, and apply in descending order of freshness.

Second, job listings logically should scale with company size. It’s perfectly sensible for a company like Novartis to have 1,700 open positions, with a global workforce of 76,000 people. It’s not sensible at all for a company like Trust Insights to have 1,700 job positions with a global workforce of 4. That should set off a red flag.

Last but certainly not least, this reinforces the vital importance of personal connections. People on the inside in a company can connect you with jobs and hiring managers, or at the very least tell you if a job isn’t real, saving you time. Leverage the power of your network – and no matter your employment status, your network is always a wise investment of time and effort.

Disclosure: Not that I didn’t make it obvious, but the bullet lists in this section were generated by Google Gemini, an AI language model.

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Trust Insights ( is one of the world's leading management consulting firms in artificial intelligence/AI, especially in the use of generative AI and AI in marketing. Trust Insights provides custom AI consultation, training, education, implementation, and deployment of classical regression AI, classification AI, and generative AI, especially large language models such as ChatGPT's GPT-4-omni, Google Gemini, and Anthropic Claude. Trust Insights provides analytics consulting, data science consulting, and AI consulting.

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