The customer experience arguably the most important part of your business. Without customers, you aren’t able to meet any of your business goals. Without a solid customer experience, you will have a hard time attracting and keeping new business.
How do we even start to tackle the customer experience and understand what our audience wants? One piece at a time. During this series, we’ll explore each step of the customer journey and how you can use predictive analytics to create more effective marketing plans for your customer experience.
Read the previous posts here:
- Introduction:
- Planning:
Now that you’ve gotten reoriented to the customer experience and gone through the steps to plan out your predictive project, we’ll start walking through how to use predictive at each stage of the journey starting with awareness.
Awareness is the first step of the customer experience. People need to find out about you and your services/products. When people are doing their research they are looking to search engines, such as Google and Bing, and various social media platforms. Ideally, they would find you when they start searching for more information. How do you increase your odds? Having content that answers their questions and explains who you are and what you do. How do you know what people are searching for and when to have that content ready? Predictive Analytics using search data.
To demonstrate this. we used cheese. Yes, cheese. Using 5 years of historical Google Trends data and about 150 different kinds of cheese, we ran a time series analysis and projected the search volume forward 365 days from when the data was pulled. This was the result:
What do you do once you have this information? You can start creating your content marketing calendar. Take a look ahead 30 or 60 days, perhaps even longer depending on how you structure campaigns. What are the topics people will care about and then when do you need to start creating content? You’ll want to create content that answers their questions. Use a keyword planning tool to get variations on the keywords and dig into the questions people are asking. Let’s use “cheddar” as an example. Your audience might be searching for topics such as: what is cheddar, how do I use cheddar, cheddar recipes, how to store cheddar, what are the different kinds of cheddar, where can I get cheddar, etc. You would want to have answers to all of those questions in various forms like blogs, videos, podcast, case studies, white papers, and website content. You’ll also want to be sure that all of your content is SEO optimized so it ranks higher in search engines. Once you have that content you can share it across your social channels for people to find.
Think about it in terms of your own services. What do you want to be known for? If you’re a shop that specializes in running PPC campaigns for your clients, you’d want to know when people are looking for services like yours. If you run the keyword “PPC” through a keyword planner you might see suggestions such as SEO, Google Adwords, pay per click, and others. You would then extract Google Trends data related to those terms and use that data to forecast when people are likely to be searching week over week. That forecast becomes the content calendar that you’ll now work against. No more guessing as to when you should have content ready to go. This calendar will also help you understand when to boost content and pull back on spending in other places that likely won’t get as much traffic.
If you have clean, consistent data for your own company, consider using your own site search data to create a predictive forecast. When are people likely to be searching your website for specific content? If you use a dataset, such as your own website traffic, to create a predictive forecast you’ll start to understand when traffic is likely to be higher or lower in volume, and when you need to create those awareness campaigns to bring more people in.
Using a predictive content calendar to boost your awareness is both a short-term and long-term solution. You know in the next few weeks what people are looking for but it also gives you the opportunity to plan farther ahead for larger scale campaigns. Timing is everything, why not get it right?
In the next post, we’ll keep moving through the customer experience and walk through using predictive modeling at the consideration stage of the journey.
In the meantime – if you have questions about the customer experience or predictive analytics let us know!
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Trust Insights ( is one of the world's leading management consulting firms in artificial intelligence/AI, especially in the use of generative AI and AI in marketing. Trust Insights provides custom AI consultation, training, education, implementation, and deployment of classical regression AI, classification AI, and generative AI, especially large language models such as ChatGPT's GPT-4-omni, Google Gemini, and Anthropic Claude. Trust Insights provides analytics consulting, data science consulting, and AI consulting.
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