In this week’s In-Ear Insights, we continue our focus on client retention with our guest Jay Baer. Join Katie and Chris, along with Jay, as they talk about client retention, what expectations to set, a farming strategy for clients and goodwill, how this crisis is different from the Great Recession, and much more.
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Christopher Penn 0:02
This is In-Ear Insights the Trust Insights podcast. This episode of In-Ear Insights is brought to you by spin sucks. If you work in communications or public relations you’ve heard of the peso media model paid, earned, shared owned, pioneered by Gini Dietrich and a team at spin sucks. take the next step and level up your career by earning a professional PESO model certification from Spin sucks at Syracuse University, and an eight week online course you’ll learn PESO model strategy, effective use of all four media types, how peso forms the foundation of your overall communication strategy, and how to tie communications to business impacts like lead generation and overall business goals. When you complete the course, you’ll earn an accredited certificate from Syracuse University’s si Newhouse School of Public communications, a powerful tool for setting yourself apart and above in the job market. Learn more about the certification today at Trust slash pay so that’s Trust slash p s. o In this special episode of In-Ear Insights, we’re doing a series talking about customer and client retention with some of the most successful agency owners we know. Today’s guest is our friend and colleague Jay Baer, the world’s most inspirational marketing, customer experience and customer service keynote speaker Jay is a Hall of Fame speaker and emcee New York Times bestselling author of six books and internet pioneer seventh generation entrepreneur and the founder of five multi million dollar companies. Welcome, Jay. So to kick things off, let’s talk about your experience with Client Services. Katie, you want to start the show?
Katie Robbert 1:33
Yeah, I know after that intro, I’m a little intimidated to even be in like your presence. J. My goodness.
Unknown Speaker 1:40
Most of those things are true according to my mom.
Katie Robbert 1:44
She thinks you’re special. She knows. So what we’re talking about is Client Services, client retention and really, what do you do when you’re operating Client Services Agency and crisis comes up or even just Every day, how do you keep your clients from scope creep? How do you keep them happy? How do you make sure that you’re delivering without burning yourself out? So that’s really what we wanted to talk about. And obviously, Jay, you have a lot of experience in Client Services. So how long have you been? How long? Have you been doing client services as part of your career?
Unknown Speaker 2:20
I mean,
Jay Baer 2:22
almost continuously with a two headed a four year two year gap when I was younger, but other than that, continuously since 1988. So you know, 30, more than 30 years, I’ve been in some sort of professional services role.
Katie Robbert 2:42
So it’s safe to say that you’ve probably seen it all.
Jay Baer 2:46
I don’t know about that. Because I’m constantly shocked at things over to other people. So I would never say I’ve seen it all. But I’ve seen a lot. Let’s Let’s go with that. What
Katie Robbert 2:56
are some of the things that have surprised you lately in terms of the climate services and what your clients are asking of you or what you’re just needing to do for them.
Jay Baer 3:05
You know, people behave in unpredictable ways in unpredictable times. And one of the things that I’m seeing now is sort of a Jerry Maguire scenario, which is sort of a dated reference now, but there are times when, when clients who already have access to my team and I who definitely need help, who know they need help, but But still, because they have so many other things going on, and their life has been turned upside down. And their business is topsy turvy. It’s kind of like a ghost in situation. And so I find myself on a regular basis, sort of muttering the help me help you kind of mantra, right. It’s like, Look, we can solve some of these problems that you are experiencing. But in order for that to happen, we need to be able to actually get you on the phone or get an email back and I get it right. I mean, nobody’s marketing and communications and CX challenges are probably at the top of their list and maybe near the top, but it definitely isn’t the top. We’re sort of in a Maslow’s hierarchy of needs a scenario right now. And social media excellence is not a base of that pyramid. So, you know, we’re doing what we can to help as many of our clients as possible, and then a lot of people who aren’t clients. And as you know, I wrote a book called utility A few years ago, which is about prioritizing hopefulness over over sales, and we are definitely leaning into that approach right now.
Christopher Penn 4:24
How much of of what you’re seeing happen now happened in 2008, during the Great Recession? Are you seeing, you know, let’s say history never repeats but it does rhyme. Are you seeing any of those rhymes? Where are you seeing this being as like completely fresh territory for everyone?
Jay Baer 4:39
Mostly fresh territory, Chris, because of like 2008 was a was a slow motion train derailment, where where you could sort of see that train seems to be wobbling, and then and then eventually, you know, there were some some inflection points That cause everybody realized that hey, this is pretty serious. But But you haven’t had sort of a fundamental halt to economic activity like this really ever in in modern history. And we have clients at Convince & Convert, who are manifestly affected, right, who literally cannot trade. So we do a fair amount of casino work, we do a fair amount of traveling tourism work, some of the largest hotel brands in the world are clients. So we have some sector of our client base who literally are unable to generate revenue period, which is unprecedented, like, you know, you might have had issues where times were tough for people didn’t spend as much money discretionary, or whatever. But But being prohibited either strictly prohibited by the government, or fundamentally prohibited by consumer psychology from making any money at all. Like that’s, there’s no playbook for that.
Katie Robbert 5:53
So it sounds like it’s fair to say that during a time like this, you know, scope creep You know, protecting against scope creep is kind of out the window, because you’re just really trying to be as helpful as possible.
Jay Baer 6:06
Yeah, I, what I’ve told my team is I don’t care what we’re paid to do, we will do whatever necessary to help our end. And if our clients, they will eventually help us, but we have to, we have to be the ones that start that chain, we’ll find out we’ll figure out a way to get Convince & Convert through this, I’m, you know, well, I’m confident in our ability to shepherd, this short term or mid term or long term crisis, whatever it turns out to be. But we have to be the ones who say it doesn’t matter what our relationship is, we will do whatever you need us to do. And that that’s been the the approach that we’ve taken. And and as I mentioned, in some cases, that similar approach for people who aren’t even paying us, I sort of feel like and I’ve said this before, and a couple of conversations like this, I and I believe this truly, that how you handle yourself as an Organization over the next five weeks will have a tremendous impact on your success or failure in the next five years. And my philosophy is if we can plant enough seeds, that that we are generally trying to help people through this, regardless of what the economic consequences of that are for us, that will pay off in spades someday, not now. Maybe not anytime soon, but but someday I feel like right now, everybody has to think like a farmer. And nobody should be thinking like a hunter.
Christopher Penn 7:31
go into more detail about that. What are those seeds that you’re talking to people planting.
Jay Baer 7:36
So we are creating a tremendous amount of content even more than we typically do, and distributing that content at our own expense as far and wide as possible without real expectation of return or lead flow, etc. We’ve done four or five big research projects and white papers. We’ve now done 12345 significant webinars as well. Where we’re just saying to people look, here’s, here’s what we think you should be doing. This is what we’re telling our clients to do. If at some point we can help you great, but we want you to be straight with with this information. So having gone through and Chris, I should say, and I don’t want to advertise this to too broadly, but we’re doing no cost, no obligation 15 minute strategy calls with our team, for anybody who wants it. So we’re actually taking paid strategists and saying, it doesn’t matter if you’re a small business doesn’t matter if you’re a dog walker or whatever, no offense to the dog walkers out there. But whatever your business is, if you want 15 minutes of our time to talk through your marketing communication challenges, just let us know and we’ll take care of it.
Katie Robbert 8:44
Have people been taking you up on that? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
Jay Baer 8:48
Which, which, frankly, we can’t afford to do, but I don’t care. Right. We will make it happen. It’s a right thing to do. And because it’s the right thing to do, it is the right thing. thing to do for us economically, eventually, you just have to you have to have patience, right? I mean, people, people have a variety of opinions. And I’ll put that in quotes about Gary Vaynerchuk. But the one thing that Gary’s right about is, is that almost all business success is a marathon, not a sprint. And I certainly believe that as well. And that’s why we’re sort of adopting this farming mentality.
Katie Robbert 9:24
Now, I like it. And it makes a lot of sense, because you’re right, we’re in this space right now, where doing what’s right, very much outweighs, let’s make a quick dollar. Because it doesn’t help anybody if you operate that way. Because it’s the, you know, we’re all in this together mantra, and you’re absolutely exemplifying. What that means, you know, you’re helping everybody pull together, you’re giving them advice. You’re just helping them get through this. Having gone through crisis before, you know, maybe not to this magnitude, but just in over your career. What are some of the things that people don’t Expect to prepare for So, you know, you’ve probably seen a lot of weird crisis come up, you know, just you know, within a company or you know, whatever. So what are some things that people don’t expect to have to prepare for?
Jay Baer 10:11
One of the things that I don’t feel like people are super good at and and I’m really proud of our team for actually being good at that, over the last few weeks, is fundamentally reexamining what it is you sell and changing that based on the realities on the ground. So we primarily, as you all know, get involved in in longer term, complex, comprehensive, frankly, expensive strategic planning, about marketing and communications for very, very large organizations. That’s, that’s what we do. Nobody wants to buy that right now. Nobody wants you to spend 120 days solving all of their digital marketing challenges, because they don’t even know what’s going to happen in in 60 days. So it’s it’s a fool’s errand. So what we’ve done instead is completely retool our go to market. And and so now we’re really focusing almost exclusively on quick wins program. So we’ll come in 20 days, look at all the things that this organization is doing both pandemic related and non penetrated. and say here’s 32 recommendations that you can put into practice right now to improve the success, the impact of your marketing and communications and customer experience. And sort of in and out, you know, low budget fast, no BS very tight deliverables, and just kind of knock things out because that’s what people need and that’s what people frankly can afford. And that’s what people can get approved. And in secondarily, we have deep rich experience with virtual events and webinars and all of that kind of communication. And we’ve always created those on behalf of clients but but now we’ve opened a virtual events consulting arm as well. And helping many, many big brands kind of take their previously face to face events and put them online and walk them through the best practices for doing so.
Christopher Penn 12:09
Well, that’ll be useful since you know, Microsoft has said they’re virtual till mid 2021. And I think that’s gonna be the case for a lot of events.
Jay Baer 12:18
Yeah, I mean, I completely agree I, you know, you may have, you may have homogenous audiences, ie from one company, workshop size, you know, 50 people, but instead of, you know, rounds of 10, it’s rounds of three, right? I mean, I can see a path to that size event, maybe, but but let’s go have the, you know, the whatever summit, I just, you know, until we have some sort of treatment or herd immunity or something else I just from a from a, from a liability standpoint, I would have a hard time believing that a major corporation would would put that together. What you Is distressing for a lot of reasons. You know, it’s it’s personally distressing because as you guys know, you know, live speaking and presentations are 30 to 35% of our revenue, not just myself five other people on our team Give, give presentations for money as well. So, you know, while many of our clients are struggling, we’re 35% off the top, you know, from the jump ourselves, which is, you know, something that we have to navigate.
Katie Robbert 13:26
One of the tips that we heard we were chatting with Mitch Joel about this whole topic.
Jay Baer 13:31
Sure if it shut down, Mitch, Joel, what do you need me for?
Katie Robbert 13:35
Because you obviously have vast experience and we’ve just learned
Jay Baer 13:38
also Canadians are gonna take everything with a grain of exactly grain of coupon, I guess is how you say that. Yeah, he’s sorry.
Katie Robbert 13:44
Yeah, yes, he sorry. One of the things that he said that stuck with me is, don’t be one more thing for your clients to do so as you’re trying to be helpful. Constantly emailing them and calling them and saying I have this idea or we can do this. is one more thing for them to think about and process? And so how do you combat and find that balance of being helpful and valuable, while also sort of staying at a distance to give your clients room to breathe?
Jay Baer 14:14
Yeah, it’s interesting what what we’ve had great success with is is less of the, let’s ping you over and over with with email, and instead, gone to all the clients and said, irrespective of our regular work together, or irregular work together,
Unknown Speaker 14:32
we just want 15 minutes on the phone.
Jay Baer 14:34
Pick a time and we just want to talk about what you’re doing. Can we help? If not, who do we know who can help and make sure you understand kind of what we’re doing as we go through this as well that’s actually worked really, really well. So we’ve tried to set up kind of quick, quick calls, even in off hours, where where we can just have a human conversation with client contacts and that’s actually been really productive. Nobody wants more email right now
Unknown Speaker 15:05
or ever but especially right now,
Christopher Penn 15:07
in these unprecedented hearing
Jay Baer 15:13
about COVID-19 and our new hand washing policy all of us at Convince & Convert are washing our hands with great regularity. I just want all of our clients who are listening to know that sanitizing keyboards with alacrity. It is challenging though, Katie from a from a professional services standpoint, we’re lucky in like, you guys, we have been virtual from the beginning, right? We’ve been all virtual for 12 years. And when we started this company, in 2008, as a virtual firm, people thought we were nuts, right? They’re like, wait, wait a second. You guys don’t have an office and like, Wait a second, you’re not going to come visit us because we actually don’t go see clients face to face very often. Even in the best of times. And like, yeah, it’s gonna be fine. Like if you can’t, you know, if you can’t get on board with us doing this via Skype at that time, or Go To Meeting You know, this is probably not going to work out and and over time sort of everybody kind of woke up to the manifest deficiencies of virtual work. So that part of it has not been a challenge for us because we don’t know any different. But what has been a challenge and and also for our clients is that now you are, you know, a principal and a teacher and a number of other things for a lot of folks on our team have young kids at home and that is a whole different ballgame. And so what we’ve actually had to do is publish internally a daily chart of when each team member actually can be on the computer, you know, when when do they have to do school? When’s the kids test? When’s that? When’s lunch? When’s nap all these kind of things? And it’s, it’s, it’s a mess. And what we’ve discovered is that our clients in many cases are going through the exact same thing. So one of the tips I would have in to your original question about what do people not do very well in a crisis. It’s it’s not being adaptable enough about your work hours and your work style. So we’ve had a lot of clients say, look, let’s do this on Saturday because the kids are going to be not doing school or whatever the circumstances are. I’m like, great, we’ll figure it out. So we’ve we’ve had to expand our, quote unquote, operating hours, if you will, dramatically and you know, that’s okay.
Christopher Penn 17:22
Have you started doing the round robin child care yet where, you know, one parent takes the group of kids on zoom and does like,
Jay Baer 17:30
geography lesson. Nobody liked that idea. We had our we had a weekly happy hour last night with the team and people think of me as I believe as a nice guy, and I hope that’s regularly true, but I can, I can also be a little sharp and so I volunteered to be the bad guy for anybody’s family that, you know, the, the mom doesn’t want to yell at the kids that dad is on the table, like just just put them on zoom and I’m happy to correct them or send them a stern note, you know, whatever, whatever you like. You know, and if you If you buy to Jay Baer corrections, you get the third one free.
Unknown Speaker 18:07
That’s amazing.
Katie Robbert 18:09
You know, it is interesting, because I think that there is this, you know, before everyone was forced into the situation of working remotely, there was this assumption of if you’re working from home, you must always just be available, because you’re there. And now, you know, people who haven’t done it before, you know, whether without kids are seeing like, that isn’t how it works at all. So I don’t
Jay Baer 18:30
have receptive point. And I hope that understanding actually, you know, continues when we get out the other side of this, that people realize that, you know, working from home doesn’t mean you’re always on the computer notice, nor does it mean that you’re doing less work.
Katie Robbert 18:43
Right, exactly. I will be interested to see how many companies stick with the remote policies, who previously said no, we can never operate remote people have to physically be here.
Jay Baer 18:54
Well, you know, over time, I think substantial numbers, especially the longer this goes on, I mean, you know, you, water finds its course right? And if we have to be primarily remote for, you know, another six weeks, eight weeks, 12 weeks, whatever, a million weeks you know, the longer this continues with most of the US at least being on lockdown, the longer companies will adapt accordingly. And and as I’ve said, I think Chris believes this too I would not want to be in office commercial real estate going forward. Yeah.
Christopher Penn 19:30
In terms of your clients, when you talk about saying, Just do whatever it takes to keep to invest now, do you have in your own mind or in communication with them? Any kind of ceiling says, you know, how far above and beyond you would? Oh, sure, sure.
Jay Baer 19:47
Yeah, I mean, it’s unspoken, but you know, our, our for our folks is, is you know, we’re all super versed in their pros. They know what’s up. You know, they’re mostly big agency or big, big company, folks. Who decided to join, Convince & Convert to, to have a different work style? And and they know that if it’s Hey, can you work on this? Can you work on that? Fine? If it’s Hey, can you give us a, you know, free strategic plan, you know, in a week? No additional compensation like that’s beyond the pale so it’s a little bit like pornography Chris, I think, you know, you know, when you’re being taken advantage of when you see it, but it’s hard to define it because when you start to define it, then you always define it based on time spent and hours and I think a lot of people in the professional services world would agree that that tracking your your value, strictly by time spent is a reductive exercise.
Christopher Penn 20:46
at best. Yeah, given you. The joke is you’re you’re not paying the plumber for the two seconds it takes him to fix the knob. You’re paying him for the 20 years to figure out which knob is the one to fix.
Unknown Speaker 20:57
Exactly. Exactly.
Christopher Penn 21:00
What are you seeing in terms of within the client base themselves? Obviously, we have some folks in travel as well. And they’ve been asking us for, you know, early indicator monitors, analytics, you know, predictive forecasting. And we’ve been having to tell people, right now we’re not really doing any predictive forecasting because all our input data sources are so totally hosed that any predictions that’s going to come out is going to be solid. Even just predicting something week to week. Now, something as simple as like unemployment job claims, everyone was caught saying, you know, this morning, it would be 3 million like nope, 5.5 surprise, you’re off by two and a half million.
Jay Baer 21:36
With your clients and and the things that they’re asking of you. You mentioned the quick wins, what are other distortions you’re seeing in the way they work? Well, I actually talked about this on a webinar yesterday with rival IQ, which is one of the technology platforms that we use for analytics and the reality is that whatever your digital marketing Math is in your organization. Of course, that’s the side of things that we get involved in the most, whether it’s your historical open rate conversion rate, click through rate, return on adspend engagement rate, whatever rate you want to mention, none of that math matters anymore, right? people’s patterns have been disrupted significantly enough, that that that past performance does not guarantee future results at all right? So what we’ve said to a lot of our clients is like, you’re not you’re not stopping business, you still need to generate leads or sales or whatever the circumstances are. We have to go back now and and retest everything, re experiment, everything, different messaging, different creative, different times a day. One of the things that we’ve been telling a lot of our clients is, especially on the social media strategy side, people’s use of social is up I think we all know that to be true. But more interestingly is their social media usage windows are much different. And so we’re actually seeing clients have great success now in some categories with social media. postings later at night, 910 o’clock at night and Saturdays and Sundays, where previously those categories would not have succeeded in those windows, but it’s just people are online at different times, our own podcasts that we produce a Convince & Convert, we’ve seen all kinds of craziness in those numbers, as well. So it just, you know, it’s almost like everything that you’ve known to be true or tested to be factual. You’re almost at a at a brand new start, which as somebody who has always been in kind of the testing game, that’s why the company’s called Convince & Convert action I’ve ever told you that Chris, we were originally going to be a conversion rate optimization firm. And then we pivoted to social media pretty early on, but that’s why we’re called Convince & Convert, actually. So I’m super passionate about that topic. But so from that perspective, I love it like, oh, all new math. But from a client perspective, like what do you mean none of the math matters anymore? So it’s very, very disruptive, very hard to budget.
Katie Robbert 23:59
Do you think that So obviously you have clients that have been with you for a long time you have clients that know you, but for clients that are newer to you, or just not as close, do you think that, you know, going above and beyond is going to be setting a difficult precedent to start to pull back from once things, normalize out, you know, will they come back to you and say, Well, you did this for me before. Why can’t you do it again?
Unknown Speaker 24:23
Unknown Speaker 24:26
But that’s the price you pay to survive.
Unknown Speaker 24:29
Right? I don’t know, what’s the
Jay Baer 24:32
what’s the option? Right? Yeah, yeah, it’ll probably be a problem at some point, I think, for us to two issues one service level and two j participation. Right. So we have an incredible group of strategists on our team. And while I still keep an eye on all the work during a regular course of business and see most things before they go out, especially in the early phases, I’m not typically involved Add the slide to slide level or I’m not on a lot of client calls and those kind of things because I’m always on the road speaking. Well, now I’m not so I’m actually involved in client work at a level I haven’t been for at least seven years. And that’s going to be an interesting pullback, assuming that it happens. You know, God willing Creek don’t rise. Well, there will be speaking for me at some point in the future. But But if that happens to say, oh, Jay is not on the call anymore. That’s going to be an interesting transition for us as well.
Christopher Penn 25:32
Are you finding with your renewed involvement in stuff that I always wonder nobody wants to quit?
Unknown Speaker 25:39
Yeah, kind of.
Christopher Penn 25:42
Well, it’s interesting. I used to be the team lead at an agency and I saw very little of the client work that went out and stuff beyond certain a certain point and, you know, since founding the company I’ve taken I am the person who does the client work and seeing, you know, sort of what used to happen Then, you know, having the time and the energy and the focus to work on things out going, Oh, well, that’s completely wrong. Let’s fix this, like, doing predictive forecasting could change totally from the way it used to be done. Are you spending that with your own team? Like, as you get more involved with? That? That’s not how you do that?
Jay Baer 26:17
Um, no, only because we spend a fair amount of time, quarterly and annually on that topic, right? where it’s like, Okay, what what is our, what is our style of delivering this work for this year? We actually think about it, Chris.
Unknown Speaker 26:39
Almost like
Jay Baer 26:42
almost like a musical act, right? So you go on tour, and you play this kind of set during this tour. And you have merch for this tour, and you’ve got a light rig for this tour. And you’ve got, you know, is this particular stage setup for this tour. And then when that tour ends, you say okay, That was pretty cool. But now we’ve got new music to play. And we’ve got to design a new tour. That’s how we think about our regular client deliverables. And so on an annualized basis, we do a super deep dive on those and say, okay, for 2020, how are we going to create and deliver and communicate and perfect this work? And so we’ve already done that. We did it in January. Now, what has been tricky is that we had our 2020 tour, if you will. But now we have a bunch of new songs to play like this quick wins approach that I mentioned earlier. And so it’s almost like, Hey, we wrote some new songs during the tour. Now we’re in the setlist of those go and and so that’s a little a little tricky, for sure. But the nice thing is that most of the people really all the people on the strategy team have been with us for quite a while so they’ve they’ve they’ve played on a lot of tours and and zante Whoa, who was fairly recently elevated to our head of strategy is incredibly Good at sort of taking concepts and putting them into a deliverable that the clients can understand, which is always kind of my passion as well. Like, I know the thinking is there, but can the clients pull the thinking out of the document, right? So, so the the translation of the idea to, to the, to the, to the deck is kind of where I’m always pushing for improvement. And actually, this this is gonna sound like I’m just spinning yarns, but I’m not I actually had a meeting with our team yesterday and said, I think our work as a whole has been better in the last six weeks and it’s been in the 12 years we’ve been in business. I think the work has been unbelievably good. Which is one of the most gratifying things that’s ever happened to me in my very long professional services career. So you feel like it’s more or less Metallica concert more jazz band now because of the pivoting you’ve had to do no, true. We, we had a we had another part of the meeting yesterday which was look, we have invented so many things to sell on the fly. The Sales Team isn’t sure exactly all the things that we sell. So connect the dots on that. They’re like we got a bunch of arrows here. Does anybody have a quiver? So it was, yeah, we had to kind of call a quick, quick, quick huddle to make sure everybody’s on the same page.
Katie Robbert 29:16
That sounds familiar, doesn’t it, Chris?
Unknown Speaker 29:19
About at all
Unknown Speaker 29:21
40 new pieces of code since this whole business started.
Unknown Speaker 29:23
Katie Robbert 29:24
Yeah. Well, so it sounds like a big part of client retention for you is that consistency, so your clients always know the type of quality that you’re going to deliver? Because you set that bar at the beginning of the year. What are some of your other tips for client retention, whether it’s during a crisis or just in general?
Jay Baer 29:45
Well, I would say Katie, that that in addition to to, to knowing a lot about a lot, which is one of the things that that we’re, I think particularly good at a known for fact, we just got a new client a couple days ago. Because they said, You’re one of the only firms who really knows digital marketing and to CX and we need an organization that can kind of blend those. So you know that that’s not an accident, right? So our breadth of knowledge is is definitely advantage and that helps us from a retention standpoint too because we can solve a greater percentage of the client’s problems. But I’ll tell you the thing that I’ve always really emphasized at Convince & Convert and it’s been even more critical right now is our speed and nimbleness and we are legendarily fast. We we staff 16 hours a day is kind of when we are online, some of us are online 16 hours a day total. And when a client calls or emails, we are on it. Like right now not not later that day, not next. I mean, right now, in fact, all of our clients have access to a special email address and distribution mail that goes to the entire company. So if they have anything they need access Upon instantly, they instead of sending an email to their account manager, they send it to this special email address goes to everybody. And then whomever is most readily available on the team handles it. And so we typically respond to client calls and emails in, you know, a matter of 510 15 minutes, which is a level of response time for a large strategy agency that is, frankly unprecedented. And, and that kind of responsiveness has not only been a secret of our success from the beginning, it’s absolutely a key to client retention right now. Because right now somebody has a problem. They have a problem they need solved right now. There is no, there is no you know, I’ve been thinking, you know, I’ve been thinking about something 90 days from now. We’re, you know, as in the immortal words of Keith Olbermann, we’re all day to day.
Christopher Penn 31:50
Where can we find you, Jay, where can people find you online? Right here on the show.
Jay Baer 31:55
I’ll be here every week.
Christopher Penn 31:59
At least not drinking With your own head on it.
Jay Baer 32:01
No, this is a this is a clip from our friend Jess. Oh strophic don’t panic management to one of our associates. Why did Mitch have a cup of his head on it? Yes.
Unknown Speaker 32:11
Jay Baer 32:15
I have a positive phone call and I’ll be back. Where else can we find you on live j? i i’m not sure I can actually get back to the show because I’m really pondering. Mitch, you’re drinking out of it. Wow.
Unknown Speaker 32:31
Well, people can find you
Jay Baer 32:33
egoless Convince & Convert, Convince & is the best place to find us. Convince & Convert comm
Christopher Penn 32:39
thank you very much for being with us, Jay. Thanks for listening to In-Ear Insights, leave a comment on the accompanying blog post if you have follow up questions or email us at marketing at Trust If you enjoyed this episode, please leave review on your favorite podcast service like iTunes, Google podcasts, Stitcher or Spotify. And as always If you need help with your data and analytics, visit Trust for more
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Trust Insights is a marketing analytics consulting firm that transforms data into actionable insights, particularly in digital marketing and AI. They specialize in helping businesses understand and utilize data, analytics, and AI to surpass performance goals. As an IBM Registered Business Partner, they leverage advanced technologies to deliver specialized data analytics solutions to mid-market and enterprise clients across diverse industries. Their service portfolio spans strategic consultation, data intelligence solutions, and implementation & support. Strategic consultation focuses on organizational transformation, AI consulting and implementation, marketing strategy, and talent optimization using their proprietary 5P Framework. Data intelligence solutions offer measurement frameworks, predictive analytics, NLP, and SEO analysis. Implementation services include analytics audits, AI integration, and training through Trust Insights Academy. Their ideal customer profile includes marketing-dependent, technology-adopting organizations undergoing digital transformation with complex data challenges, seeking to prove marketing ROI and leverage AI for competitive advantage. Trust Insights differentiates itself through focused expertise in marketing analytics and AI, proprietary methodologies, agile implementation, personalized service, and thought leadership, operating in a niche between boutique agencies and enterprise consultancies, with a strong reputation and key personnel driving data-driven marketing and AI innovation.
One of the best marketing podcasts that I’ve heard. 35mins podcast but it’s worth it!