So What? Marketing Analytics and Insights Live
airs every Thursday at 1 pm EST.
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In this week’s episode of So What? we focus on YouTube as a search engine and content strategy. We walk through strategies to optimize your YouTube SEO. Catch the replay here:
In this episode you’ll learn:
- YouTube content strategy for SEO – the Hero Hub Help model
- The power of collaboration
- YouTube and your website content
Upcoming Episodes:
- Who is doing your Marketing Strategy 2/24/2022
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Katie Robbert 0:24
Well, hey there, whoops. We’re doing good on Thursday. Welcome to SWOT the marketing analytics insights live show. I am Katie, the, you know, incompetent button pusher. I am joined by Chris and John. This week, we are talking about YouTube, SEO and content strategy. You know, Chris and I have covered YouTube SEO before. However, it’s actually a really interesting topic, and we wanted to recover it and refresh it because there’s still, at least you know, Chris, correct me if I’m wrong, there’s still this misunderstanding that you can SEO optimize your YouTube videos, because YouTube is a search engine. It’s a social media platform, but it’s also a search engine.
Christopher Penn 1:12
It is a search engine. It’s the second largest in the world, right behind Google itself. And people go to YouTube for lots and lots of things. I mean, anytime that you break something in your house, you go to YouTube, fix this thing.
Katie Robbert 1:28
Or if you get an oven with an air for you, Youtube, how to use it.
Christopher Penn 1:33
Exactly. So there’s a lot of of that in there. Now, we covered the basics about a year ago, and the basics haven’t changed, right? Uploading. Basically, if you if Google gives you a feature, you should probably use it. You know, when you’re when you’re loading up a video like, recently, it they added, if you have you flagged your video, as an educational video will ask you what’s the topic of the video? What are the is it associated with a university course things like that. So the basics are pretty much still the same. What I thought we would cover on today’s show is trying to get an understanding of what’s working from a topic perspective and then doing some forecasting basing on that, because what we know is that people use use YouTube differently than they use Google search. We the habits are different. The types of searches and time of year are different, and what people like, is different. So I thought that would be a good place to start. What do you think at?
Katie Robbert 2:29
No, I think it makes sense, because and maybe you’ll get to this, but one of the things that we know is that if you’re using Google Trends, for example, to try to figure out what people are searching for, Google gives you the option of looking at the Google Search versus YouTube search because they know that it’s two different systems, and they know that the behavior is different. So therefore, you should treat them as differently as well, using your SEO keywords that using Google Search doesn’t necessarily translate into YouTube.
Christopher Penn 3:02
Exactly right. So the first thing we should probably start with then, is our own videos, and just get a sense of what’s working. Right. So we’ve been publishing, we’ve got 170, I think, different videos on our YouTube channel of, you know, a variety of different topics and things like that. And if you recall back to about I think it was the fall of last year, we looked at how do you just organize and understand your videos by topic? Well, one of the things that I put together was, I wanted to understand is there a relationship between the different topics in our YouTube videos, and the outcomes we care about? So putting together a correlation matrix, we have all the different topics we’ve we’ve covered Google Data Studio data itself, these are all keyword based, right? Influences Google Tag Manager, and so on so forth. And we have our our major metrics like watch time views, likes, impressions. Views is one that I think is probably the one of the more helpful metrics to look at. But obviously, trying to dig it out of a correlation matrix is a sure way to get an eye doctors appointment. So what the easiest way to look at that, oh, I went to the wrong window.
Katie Robbert 4:13
Here we go. See, we’re all having trouble with the button Exactly.
Christopher Penn 4:15
Is okay. Obviously, views correlates perfectly to itself. What are the other things that correlates to and this is a standard Spearman regression, you can do this in any statistical tool, obviously strong relationship to watch time to likes to impressions to subscribers games. But look at this, we start getting to the topics, goo all things Google Google Analytics analytics, the so what video series all these have done reasonably well in terms of getting views right, there’s a there’s a statistical correlation that we get down here into into SEO now we’re starting to get into the the statistically less valid section right? And then you go all the way down here then you get towards the end, you know, the podcast is, is negative podcast itself. As the topics and negative change management is negative average viewed percentage. So that’s interesting. There’s a inverse relationship between the number of views and how much of the video people watch, which basically says, so as people are dipping in to check it out, and then bouncing right out like they’re not sticking around. And then the Trust Insights podcast has it actually a very strong negative correlation, which I found interesting and slightly concerning, because it essentially is saying, people don’t watch.
Katie Robbert 5:27
Well, it’s a podcast. And so I, you know, we record it so that we can put it up on YouTube. But as a podcast, if people weren’t downloading it and listening to it as an audio file, then I would be concerned, I think YouTube is a nice to have for our podcast. But, you know, I, for the most part, I don’t sit and watch people record a podcast personally.
John Wall 5:54
Yeah, that’s interesting, you know, cuz that’s, you just put the whole episode up there. Right? It would be interesting if you took one minute clips and tested those and see, like, because I think the length is what’s killing you. I would imagine the average podcast is longer than a lot of that other stuff up there.
Christopher Penn 6:10
Sounds like we need to be short. It’s John. Judd, damn it,
John Wall 6:14
I was waiting for the chance to get shorts in there. I’m all about the shorts.
Katie Robbert 6:19
I feel like I missed something. But I’m also okay with that.
John Wall 6:23
Google shorts are Google announced that this year part of their strategic drivers to get these YouTube shorts going? And so they’re trying to go toe to toe with Tiktok? videos. So yeah, so it’s all shorts all the time with with YouTube.
Katie Robbert 6:37
I thought you literally meant like, short pants.
John Wall 6:41
I know. It’s very confused. The jokes write themselves with this. It’s unbelievable. You know, like, you’re going to spend all day in your shorts, and you’re going to be working on shorts.
Katie Robbert 6:50
Well, it works with the RFP request for pants. This is it. Alright, and you know, we’re back.
Christopher Penn 6:59
Alright, so um, the next logical question is, how do we then decide what if we know broadly topics about stuff like analytics and things are working? How do you go about getting a sense of what could actually work? It’s not going to be from YouTube itself. But one of the places you can go is your SEO tool of choice. And this is true for pretty much all these tools. It’s not anyone we’re using the H refs tool. But again, SEM rush supports as moss supports us. I like you’re saying, Katie, in the beginning of the show, you can choose which search engine you want to use. So for keywords going, so we have Google, YouTube, Amazon, if you’re doing Amazon shopping stuff, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, Baidu, et cetera, so on and so forth. So let’s just take a real quick look here. This is our keyword list, the Trust Insights keywords that we see on regular Google search in terms of the things that people search for the most by volume, Google Analytics tops that list with 813,000 searches a month, followed by Google Trends, Search Console, SEO, so on so forth, right, this is a pretty, this is what I expect to see. When I flip over to YouTube.
Katie Robbert 8:15
I didn’t know that this was something you could do with your SEO tool. This is this is a learning moment for me.
Christopher Penn 8:24
Yes, it is. With YouTube, a the volumes are much lower now. 41,000 Step 800,000. And look at like Google Analytics drops down to 6000 searches a month, right from 800,000 in regular Google search. So we have very different topics here of the keywords that we all like to think about, and talk about, you know, AI topping list, affiliate marketing, machine learning, SEO, data science, social media marketing. So on a, on a forecasting basis, or at least on an I’m guessing more of an explanatory analytics basis, we see that this is very different. This the things that people search for on YouTube definitely looks different than than regular Google search. And some of the other topics that we talk about a lot. Let’s go. Like you’re down here management consulting, only 1000 searches a month for that change management 1000 searches a month for that. So it’s not a surprise to me. Also, when we think about the Trust Insights podcast, we’ve been covering a lot more stuff like change management and things which on YouTube doesn’t do as well.
Katie Robbert 9:33
And it makes sense because some topics lend themselves better to written content. Some topics lend themselves better to more visual and video content. So that doesn’t surprise me at all. You know, to have a talking head explained a change management process. Probably not a super fun video to watch versus to have, you know, a data visualization explained Got a video? Probably a little bit more interesting.
Christopher Penn 10:04
Exactly. So we have now this quick look at our same keyword list. So this is the same keyword list that we’re using for our regular search engine optimization efforts now mixed up for YouTube. So the next logical step would be, can we forecast out these terms and get a sense of when we should be creating content around these things? Of course, the answer is yes. Because this would be a terrible show. If the answer was no,
Katie Robbert 10:32
it’d be a very short episode, it would also be very,
Christopher Penn 10:35
would be very short. So here, this is the Google searches. And again, we can see the volumes that you know, week by week, this Google Analytics peaked at the beginning of the year, and we see spikes, you know, May, June, July, September. So there’s peaks towards pretty much the end of every month, when people are trying to figure out how to use their reporting for regular Google search. But if we flip over into YouTube, different story, different look, right now. So the general term marketing, obviously, as the highest search volume on YouTube, for the for the month, we see AI dropping down here in mid March, coming back up in April, and then June, it’s interesting, we may want to talk to our friends over at the marketing AI Institute, because their conferences in August and August is when this thing is down, kind of in the valley of despair, that they may want to move their promotional efforts, at least for video back all the way back into the into June.
Katie Robbert 11:36
You know, because we had done an exercise like this last fall, when I’m planning out our editorial calendar, depending on the kind of content that we’re creating, I use a different predictive calendar. So I have the YouTube predictive calendar, which I use to plan out the episodes for the live stream versus the regular Google search calendar that I use to plan out podcast episodes, blog posts, those kinds of things. for this exact reason, if I was just using the Google search, calendar to play it out all of our content, I’d be missing a lot of things.
Christopher Penn 12:15
Exactly. So in terms of like what we should be doing, we have SEO, SEO is actually an interesting one. It has a for YouTube has a very strong seasonality, right, sort of in the middle of the years when you see a nice big bump for that term, specifically. So that’s something to keep in mind. We have affiliate marketing, which always seems to be showing up at the time, machine learning. So let’s go into machine learning here. Again, it’s interesting that all the AI and machine learning stuff has this sort of mid year peak, and then just goes away. So to the extent that we should be starting to think about shows, on YouTube, in May ish, to try and catch that wave, we definitely should be. Let’s see other things that some stuff I would, I would have expected to do better stuff like social media, for example, kinda just, oh,
Katie Robbert 13:11
I mean, it really, what’s missing from this key? This keyword list is any sort of context around the kind of thing people are searching for, like? How do I put together a social media calendar versus just social media, which is, you know, you could talk about 1000 different things about social media. So that’s sort of what’s missing here is, you know, do I want to watch a demo of yet another social media platform? Or am I looking for a specific thing?
Christopher Penn 13:42
Exactly. And so that brings us to your general content strategy around YouTube. So one of the things that YouTube itself recommends is sort of this hero hub help model. So you create a lot of help content and help content is content that you are making that just answers generally, you know, how to how do I do these things? Hub content, sort of like a bigger idea sort of monthly promotional idea. And then your your hero contents like once a quarter, a big thought piece, you know, sort of a why kind of a really broad appeal. And when we think about now, these different topics, let’s take artificial intelligence. Let’s see if I can find my mouse first. Take artificial intelligence here. If I were creating help content Id probably just a year round thing. How do I, for example, vectorize text for natural language processing? How do I build a confusion matrix? How do we interpret the results of a confusion matrix? Like Like is it getting very tactical, straightforward stuff, the hub’s stuff I would think we’d be trying to aim for, you know, some of these minor peaks, something something from when you see a little bit more strength, from search to say, Okay, we’re going to spend some money, we’re going to spend, you know, some ad dollars, maybe engage our design team to make something that doesn’t look like I put it together in the middle of the night while you know, just half asleep. And then the big peaks are the ones when your hero content should go out. So I would say if we were going to do like a piece on on hero content, we would do launch at mid May for something on AI. Because that’s when we know for YouTube, at least, that’s when people are going to really be paying attention to this topic. So it’s not just a question of the hero hub help model. Arbitrarily just throwing out content as you create it, or as you have a budget for or maybe just on a calendar, but trying to time it to when you know, interest in that topic is going to peak.
Katie Robbert 15:54
So we have a couple of questions, Chris, and John, I apologize. This means your face is going to disappear for a second. Here it is. So Jesse commented, I think it’s both content. It’s both about content, but also about audience. Now, Chris, you’ve done some extensive research on audiences on these different social platforms. He says I would expect YouTube is going to be younger, which means different interests, which is true. different interests on YouTube versus Google search, something like Change management is going to be searched by a manager, while artificial intelligence could be searched by students. What do you think about that angle? Chris?
Christopher Penn 16:33
The audience on YouTube again, because it it’s a massive footprint is pretty much just the audience of the internet. There, I there’s not really a major demographic skew on that platform, as opposed to say, a Tiktok, where there’s definitely an under 30 scheme. YouTube is pretty much used by everybody. Not necessarily just the platform itself. But when you’re browsing around from page to page, like, if you’re on the Trust Insights website, we’ve got videos embedded, you’re using YouTube, and that data shows up in YouTube. But the point about interests is definitely on target. You know, someone look, I’m looking for change management, probably YouTube is not the first place you would go to for change management stuff, right? It’s you’re probably thinking more a book about change management, it’s just not super it. At first blush, it’s not the sort of thing that you would go to YouTube. Unless you were thinking about, Can someone explain how this works, or what this thing is sort of educational content, like from? Like, what my, one of my kids, whenever there’s a topic in school that, you know, their their online course is doing a terrible job of explaining, send them a YouTube video, go find another video that explains it in a way that you can understand it. So there is definitely that intent. angle that I think is 100%. Correct?
Katie Robbert 17:48
Yeah, I mean, when I think about YouTube, like or search in general, if I’m searching, what is change management, I’m probably starting with a Google search. And if there’s a relevant YouTube video that will come up in the search, but again, I personally don’t think that a talking head of someone explaining what change management is, is going to be a really compelling piece of video, I could be wrong. But I don’t really think that it’s going to do that. Well.
Christopher Penn 18:15
One of the things that you can also do in in your SEO tools. And again, this, I’m going to flip over to back to Google searches. So I’ve got my Google search for our keyword list. If we want to get a sense of maybe what some of the topics that we might want to create videos about because of what you just said, Katie, I’m going to turn on go to SERP features. I’m gonna say show me search terms where video is included in the search results. And now,
Unknown Speaker 18:41
Chris, yeah, the screen.
Christopher Penn 18:45
Oh, whoops, that would help with it. Let’s go back.
Katie Robbert 18:48
It’s very compelling video, makes a compelling
Christopher Penn 18:50
video and you can’t see it. Okay, so I’ve gone back to my Google search. I’ve turned off the YouTube search here and gone back to regular Google search. And now we’re going to go to SERP features that show me only search terms where videos are included in the search result. You’ll notice it’s not exact, it’s not identical. But there is more of an overlap here with the YouTube list than than pure Google search, right? So we do see, you know, social media, affiliate marketing, artificial intelligence and stuff showing up here and these are the terms where there is a video thumbnail or videos themselves in Google search results. So again, if you think that there’s an opportunity here, you might want to create videos for this. Now, if you want to get even fancier. Let’s cap our keyword difficulty at 50. So basically, we’re saying, I’m not going to try and compete with the big boys, right? So these would be the terms where I could show up in search results with a video. But I’m not a knife fight with McKinsey, for example. So the management of change 7400 Search Google search results were Video is included, as well prescriptive analytics descriptor Tiktok analytics would love to save that when we put our Tiktok paper out a couple of weeks. Google Analytics for beginners are for data science. So again, we’re just a straight up SEO tool seeing Okay, these are the kinds of things where we might stand a fighting chance of showing up for these particular topics if we can create YouTube content and optimize it.
John Wall 20:28
Yeah, same as CPC to its crazy management of changes not even a 10th of like, you know, paid for change management this
Christopher Penn 20:37
exactly. DAGMAR was asking, where where do we find the production counter, we make that. So that is something that we have our own software for. And it is a paid service. And John will be happy to take your number after the show. Jesse said shorts are insane, definitely worth trying them out. I wear shorts all summer long. I don’t.
John Wall 21:01
We’ll be here all week, ladies and gentlemen.
Christopher Penn 21:07
The worst we really are. Okay. So when we think about the hero hub help model, we want to try and time the different components of the hero hub help model to when we know search volumes are going going to be working in our favor. Because why? Why Otherwise, why would you not do that. The other thing that is really important with YouTube, and it’s not a search thing, but it is an effectiveness thing is to the extent possible doing collaborations, YouTube is a platform that really does a great job and encouraging collaboration, and helping you work with other groups to sort of share audiences. So if you were to go to YouTube, let’s go to just straight up regular YouTube here. Oops, awesome, YouTube. Let’s look for musical group first of 11. You’ll notice that a fair number in this something musicians do really well in a fair number. These are collaborations with people. And when you do your promotions with them, you can obviously tag people in and you know, stuff your things follow links and stuff and and share audiences and YouTube really, really works well for cross promoting for helping you cross promote, on your videos with other audiences. So if you’ve got something that you’ve identified another YouTube account that is at parity with yours, right, so if you’ve got 1000 subscribers, they got 1000 subscribers, you can, you can probably team up pretty easily, it’s not going to work out so well. If you have 1000 subscribers, they got a million they, they really wouldn’t be a reason for them to work with you. But when it comes to collaboration, this is a way to build and grow your YouTube audience and to get links to your YouTube account. So you can see here this book surgenor Is is linked up within this video. So remember that YouTube is run by Google. Google is a search engine. And it’s predicated on the network graph. So if you can essentially get inbound links to your YouTube channel from other videos, it will benefit your channel.
Katie Robbert 23:34
So all the same pillars of SEO that we talk about with Google search, apply them to YouTube search.
Christopher Penn 23:44
Many of them do many of them do YouTube, apparently, at least from what I can tell, has not yet inherited the BERT language model. For more in depth queries. That seems to be a Google search YouTube search engine stills appears to be very token heavy, meaning individual words and sort of bigrams the last fully revealing paper we have about YouTube’s algorithm is still for 2016. And it’s individual words and stuff that are factored into into how it serves up requests.
John Wall 24:19
And when you say words like that, too, so that’s then based on Title field and meta descriptions, right? It’s not on automated transcriptions or anything like that it
Christopher Penn 24:27
is so it does include the the automated the closed captions is one of the reasons why in our basics of YouTube video from a little while ago, we said every video that you load up, if there are terms and jargon that you use in your industry, you should be loading your own closed captions
Katie Robbert 24:48
Christopher Penn 24:52
One of the things that I’ve noticed and it’s actually gotten really good if you are in the video production space is Adobe Premiere now has Built in transcription so that as you’re editing your videos, it can create the transcript for you publish the closed captions file. And you can also burn the captions into the video itself if you want to have captions. So like when we produce our, our shorts, for Tiktok, and Instagram, I am burning those captions now straight into the video and it’s just it’s built right into the tool.
John Wall 25:21
It’s built into your shorts. I am loving it, because I would be the one that would be abusing this to death. So it’s like Chris is the one that’s like
Christopher Penn 25:33
Oh, my goodness, yes.
Katie Robbert 25:36
Oh, well, you know, I feel like a lot of times, I’ve seen a lot of videos, you know, uploaded to YouTube from other B2B companies. And the lack of any kind of transcription, for just general description of the video seems to be a missed opportunity. Because that is a big part of how people are finding your videos, not just the title of the video.
Christopher Penn 25:59
Exactly. The other thing is that YouTube’s recommendation engine is really fast, it changes very, very quickly. So if you watch just two or three videos from a creator, for a little while, you see a lot of video from that creator. You see it and it gets shown pretty prominently. And so one of the things that I’ve been trying out recently and I’ve seen some really good success with is and this is actually a recommendation from folks who subscribed to my newsletter is turning my newsletter into a video let’s go ahead back here order entries. Do I make a lot of stuff
no. Need to fix the search on my website. Just a moment of truth.
John Wall 27:02
There we go. Exactly. I every sales guys hate a demo.
Christopher Penn 27:08
No, it’s totally fine. Let let me grab this week’s newsletter. Because what I’ve been doing is putting the newsletter as a YouTube video. So when you go to the page, you can see watch this newsletter on YouTube, right and you pop on over now on the site itself. In previous issues I’m playing on putting the video player straight in what you’ll notice is that this cranks a couple 100 views of of a video on my channel within 24 hours right it helps get content seen on YouTube really quickly. Logically, if I can get you to watch one video a week, right through the newsletter, then you’re going to see my other videos for that week. So publishing a video every single day. If I have that one. It’s not true here have helped but there is so that tentpole strategy, if I can get you see at least one video we can get you keep coming back, then we’re going to take advantage of YouTube’s recommendation engine to get you to be able to see the other videos on my channel. So this I found I’ve been doing this now for about a month. And it does add time it adds about an hour to the production time of each week’s newsletter. But the results are really good because it’s boosting my channel substantially compared to just publishing and doing the regular stuff of you know, having in the blog post and then having on social media by having a lot of traffic get funneled to my YouTube channel, I do see really good results from it.
Katie Robbert 28:41
Is it literally just you reading your newsletter?
Christopher Penn 28:44
Yes, I read basically the cold open. And then I very quickly just narrow it anyway. And in this week’s section we have you know, the news, there’s this this this, you know, check out our Trust Insights, course courses and so on and so forth. So there’s the it is most of the long cold open.
John Wall 29:00
Ah, gotcha. It’s great. You can get more of the cool disdain that you really can’t get from the newsletter you know from
Christopher Penn 29:10
what’s also interesting is I’ve got an audio version two cuz I just rip this from video to audio. And even that gets, you know, 80 or 90 listens a week because people want a different modality. But what will save news was for another show, just in terms of how do you get more people to see your youtube content and to link to it and so on so forth. Putting it in your newsletters is pretty straightforward when
John Wall 29:38
Yeah, it’s just amazing because you’ve got that right side, you know, content there. It’s like, that’s just such a huge honeypot. That’s fantastic. It is
Christopher Penn 29:47
so we’re on the Trust Insights YouTube account, right. So this is literally I typically don’t visit my own stuff from the from my my company profile. So just in getting this here Got a bunch of other stuff on my channel on the show that we’re literally recording right now. So, again, if you can get people in, they’re gonna see your other stuff relatively quickly. DAGMAR says, most B2B companies aren’t mature and ology YouTube, these videos storage location to embedded their websites, the transcriptions are afterthought omitted they are. The other thing that I think is unfortunate is that when you load YouTube video to YouTube, and you don’t provide closed captions, YouTube tries to do it itself. And that never really goes well. It’s an awful lot of really, really poorly interpreted words, especially if you’re like me, and you talk really fast and YouTube starts making hash of the words you have to say. And Jessie says, recent SEM 39 To embed YouTube videos, new blogs and product pages. Absolutely right, as long as the videos don’t suck.
Katie Robbert 30:53
Well, yeah, but that’s objective.
Christopher Penn 30:56
It is. Yeah. So that’s sort of the content strategy side of YouTube, right? Take your predictive analytics for your content, use, make sure it’s YouTube specific. Apply your forecast to the hero hub help model, look for collaborators to generate those links from other channels to your channel. And then leverage the heck out of your website content, your email content, and so on so forth, to get people to your YouTube channel. And get them watching your videos. That’s the key is you got to get people to watch the videos. 30 seconds is all you need, because that’s what YouTube counts as a view. And once you got a view on the clock, for somebody, the algorithm is going to temporarily work in your favor. Well, and you
Katie Robbert 31:43
know, we talk a lot about the transmedia framework where you record a video. And then you can start to pull apart the pieces. So you can create your shorts. You can create your audio files, you have your snippets here. So our shorts, what snippets are basically, like, is it this sort of the same? It’s like a 32nd? Like, yeah, 30 to 60 seconds? Yeah. Okay. He didn’t need a whole announcement about that Google that already exists. But basically, so create the video and then repurpose it for a bunch of other things. The other thing So Chris, you’re talking about the hero hub help, and how your help content should be the most kind of content you’re producing. I like to use websites such as answer the public that will give you all of those what where, how, why, when questions that people are asking about that topic. And then you can just literally start ticking down the list of answering all of those questions.
Christopher Penn 32:37
Exactly. And the other thing that is a slam dunk and very straightforward to do, is asked your community, right, well, we go to our Slack group, and we ask them questions all the time. Like, hey, somebody tell us what how would you think about this thing? And what questions you have about this thing, and then you’re getting authentic natural language from other human beings, too, that you can use as a basis for content.
Katie Robbert 33:00
Mm hmm. Shawn, final thoughts.
John Wall 33:04
Check out my shorts. That’s all I can say.
Katie Robbert 33:10
That statement is not endorsed by Trust Insights.
John Wall 33:13
The jokes write themselves.
Katie Robbert 33:17
I think we’re done for this week.
Christopher Penn 33:19
Big. Thanks for tuning in. We’ll see you next week. Thanks for watching today. Be sure to subscribe to our show wherever you’re watching it. For more resources. And to learn more, check out the Trust Insights podcast at trust I podcasts, and a weekly email newsletter at trust Got questions about what you saw on today’s episode. Join our free analytics for markers slack group at trust for marketers, see you next time.
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