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So What? UTM Governance in GA4

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In this week’s episode of So What? we focus on UTM Governance in GA4. We walk through why UTM management is so important in GA4 and how to check your data in Google Data Studio. Catch the replay here:

So What? UTM Governance in GA4

In this episode you’ll learn: 

  • the basics of UTM Governance
  • why UTM management is so important in GA4
  • how to check your data in Google Data Studio

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AI-Generated Transcript:

Katie Robbert 0:24
Well, hi there, everyone. Happy Thursday. Welcome to so what marketing analytics and insights live show I’m Katie joined by Chris and John. And apparently I’m joined by my dog this week, who is behind me with itchy ears. This week, we are talking about UTM governance in Google Analytics 4, we’ve been trying to cover a lot of different aspects of Google Analytics 4, because there’s a lot to it. It’s essentially a whole different system from Universal Analytics. And so we’re trying to be as thorough as possible. And one of the things that is consistent, but also different in the new system is UTM. Governance. And so UTM codes are going to be your best bet for making sure your data is coming in clean. That’s true and Universal Analytics. That’s still true in Google Analytics 4. But we’re gonna get into why it’s a bit different this time around. So Chris, where would you like to start?

Christopher Penn 1:21
I think we should probably start this week talking about just even how does Google Analytics make decisions about attribution? Because if we don’t understand that, then it’s difficult to understand like why UTM governance matters so much. So let me go ahead and share this flowchart that we made. And this is available in our Slack group. If you go to trust remarketing, you can join the free slack group there. This is just a one page PDF. And here’s what happens as data comes in to Google Analytics, the first thing that happens is an event occurs, right? And Google looks at it and says, Is there a G clip? A G clip is Google’s click ID. If that’s there, Google says hey, I know what this is. This is a Google ad. So it’s going to assign a source of Google ads, a medium of CPC, any other UTM that might be present. But at that point, Google’s attribution efforts stop this. Got it. We’re all set. On surprisingly, Google gives strong preference to its own advertising system first.

Katie Robbert 2:27
Weird how that works.

John Wall 2:29
Secure the bag of money, right? That’s

Christopher Penn 2:31
exactly. Second thing. If there is no G code, Google Analytics 4 says, Okay, are there campaign tags? Right? So there are certain campaign parameters that ad other advertising systems uses their campaign source of campaign medium, and etc? If there is, Google says, Okay, that’s an advertising system. Let’s let’s give attribution to that. You will see, if you’re in like Facebook ads, or in other ad platforms, the ability to set a campaign source campaign medium. These are different than UTM. But they’re structurally essentially the same thing. So Google looks for other paid ads. Second, again, makes total sense, because part of the reason people focus so heavily on attribution is, hey, we’re spending a lot of money, kind of wanting to know what’s going on. Third, if there are UTM codes, Google looks at them and says, Are they properly formatted? If they are not properly formatted, you fall all the way down, because like Chutes and Ladders, down into the ghetto, you go into sources direct medium is none other users not set and you just cry a lot, because you’ve lost your your attribution data. So a properly formatted UTM code means that you’re using things like you know, ampersands, between the codes, they’re not the names are not misspelled, like UTM source, but you might you abbreviate it src, we will know what to do with those things. So it’s got to be the proper format. If that’s the case, that’s the next thing. Google says, Okay, if it’s all good, I will sign it would be what you’ve provided. So we say a lot, Isaiah a lot. UTM sort of a mnemonic abbreviation, you tell me, Google’s asking us, you tell me what to do with this data. So if you’ve got those UTM codes, who will assign them and all the good. That’s where this is sort of like the Google knows what to do bucket, right. So the campaign stage, once you’re out of that, like you didn’t include it, there’s no G click, if there’s no campaign tags, if there’s no UTM tags, then Google goes into what we call the guessing stage. And this is where things get ugly. If Google can detect a domain that the traffic is coming from, it will then go through a process of looking at a domain and saying, do I know this domain? And if Google has provided a long list of domains, so if there’s no UTM codes, and and Google can see a domain it will then you will essentially guess it’ll say like, Hey, something came in from, I’m gonna categorize that as social. So in your attribution will show up as a source medium of, essentially, if social. If we scroll down here, if traffic is coming from, let’s take a look here. DuckDuckGo, right, you’ll say, Hey, that’s a search engine. So I’m gonna assign that category of search. If it comes from Facebook, I’m gonna assume that it’s social. And so at this point, Google is now guessing, trying to categorize its traffic. So if it makes a match, it will assign its own source medium from that list that is downloadable from Google that spreadsheet and they update it reasonably frequently. If there’s no known domain, Google says the sources, the referring URL, the medium is referral. And then if there’s UTM codes, they’ll it’ll attach them. But at this point, there there aren’t. And if Google if can’t tell what the referring sources, it will look to see if it recognizes the visitor the user, if there is a user, it checks the campaign timeout, which is a setting you set Google Analytics, and if there is, if it’s before the campaign timeout period, whatever the previous source medium was, for that user gets assigned. Again, Google is basically saying, Hey, we don’t know how this person got here today. We’ve seen them before. So we’re just gonna give credit to the last thing we know that came from if we have none of this other information. And if either one of those cases is no, you’re back to, you know, direct, direct and not discuss Google’s as I give up, I have no idea where this where the traffic is from. And it’s attribution. It just goes into nothing. So that’s how Google Analytics 4 makes decisions about attribution. And the reason that this is important is because what you see is, if you provide good UTM tracking codes, Google doesn’t have to guess. Right, and that’s, that’s critical. If you provide good UTM tracking codes, Google does not have to guess. Now there’s a second layer to this, if you’re in Google Analytics 4. You will note, in fact, they bring up a tab here of Google Analytics 4, you will note that in the attribution section, Google Analytics 4 will say, I know I’m going to give you the opportunity to look on Channel grouping. So let’s pull up Google Analytics 4, there, go into the advertising section, go go into conversion paths.

And here, there’s these default channel groupings. Now, if you’ve used Google Analytics, 3, aka Universal Analytics in the past, you know that you could customize your channel groupings to make sure certain things with certain UTM codes fell into certain buckets. Can’t do that anymore. Google has has put up their own rules about what things go in which channel groupings. And they’ve published those rules. In this really long post that says, you know, here are the conditions for for how channel groupings are decided. And you’ll see things in here like, for example, organic social, that long list of URLs, it’s going to guess, or if a medium is one of these things. Remember that, that red, when it says regex of social sites, that’s back in that guessing stage in the flowchart. If we provide a good UTM, you good UTM parameters like Facebook and social Google, we’ll put our traffic in the correct bucket. And then when we go into Google Analytics, 4 to the attribution tool, the channel groupings will be correct. So that’s why this governance is so important, because you can’t customize channel groupings anymore, you have to use the ones that are built in based on Google’s rules.

Katie Robbert 8:38
One of the challenges with Universal Analytics that we would run into, as we were trying to help other clients put together governance was the case sensitivity. uppercase, lowercase is that so in Universal Analytics, everything had to be lowercase in the UTM tags. Is that true in Google Analytics 4.

Christopher Penn 9:03
Now says UTM. Case count definitions are are not case sensitive and cannot be edited.

Katie Robbert 9:11
The channel definitions can I’m talking about what you put into your UTM tag.

Christopher Penn 9:16
Our assumption, though, is that based on this, the the conditions for these channel matchings is not case sensitive, which would make sense Google’s general regular expressions are not case sensitive.

Katie Robbert 9:28
So that was only sort of an anomaly and Universal Analytics.

Christopher Penn 9:32
Again, because yeah, Universal Analytics was actually not built by Google. So this is what you GA for is essentially Firebase. It was built by Google.

John Wall 9:42
But then, so is it that if you end up do using uppercase, it will default and treat everything as lowercase or if it’s uppercase, will it get tossed?

Christopher Penn 9:53
It just treats everything as lowercase is our understanding because it says it’s not case sensitive. That said the best practice just for your own sanity is Make everything lowercase.

John Wall 10:01
Yeah to go? How about as far as the inbound domains? Isn’t that the kind of stuff that’s getting blocked at the browser level? Just about everywhere? I mean, is that eventually going to dry up? Or is there some other method they’re using to find out where those domain traffic, you know who the refers are?

Christopher Penn 10:16
Referring string is usually brought in at the browser level. So unless you have a specific ad blocker that’s blocking that, that data should still be available. The exception is, if you are going from a secure site, resist using SSL to a non secure site, you will lose that data. But if the digital certificate if the SSL connection remains intact, then the referring traffic comes along with the referring domain comes along with it.

John Wall 10:44
Oh, yeah, that’s a good point. Because it’s, yeah, ad blockers take care of that. But we’re talking about the whole web. So there can be 1000s of legit traffic that can go through.

Christopher Penn 10:53
Exactly. So that’s why this stuff is so important, because you can’t customize channel grouping. So in your attribution models, if you’re doing channel level attribution, got to get your UTM codes correct.

Katie Robbert 11:07
So one of the pieces of advice that we would give clients, especially on governance is in order to preserve your UTM codes, the way that you have them set is to use a link shortener. And that those two things one is it makes sure that certain sites don’t strip out the UTM codes. But also so that extra data of UTM codes don’t doesn’t get added on to confuse Google. Is that still the same piece of advice that we would want to give when using Google Analytics? 4?

Christopher Penn 11:39
Yes, absolutely. The the last UTM code that’s received is the one that is treated as authoritative. So like, if you say a bitly, link and add a site or a service and attaches UTM codes to it, once the bitly link is expanded, and your own UTM codes are embedded, those ones have precedence, because they’re the last thing that Google sees that you know, the last thing that gets transmitted, so any previously added on crap gets tossed away, and your valid ones get interpreted. So it’s a great idea to use URL shorteners. The other thing that’s a great idea to do is to have some kind of process for putting these things together doesn’t require somebody’s hand typing them all the time. So this is a stupid, simple example, of just a spreadsheet, you put in your landing page URL, you choose your source, which we always recommend be the domain name. And then you have you build yourself and you can do this in Excel, you could do this in Google Sheets, it doesn’t matter. You build a list of your known mediums, because we know from what Google is saying here, this is how medium is predominantly how Google makes decisions about non paid stuff. So if you have a correct medium is pre programmed into a sheet. And then you and your team and your agency are all using the sheet, the chances of sneaking in something that doesn’t belong there is much lower, and particularly if you don’t let people type things in, they have to choose from a drop down.

Katie Robbert 13:05
And I think that that’s definitely one of the things that we see go sideways is when you have not only your team, but other external agencies, working on your behalf, that governance becomes even more important, because they may have their own way of doing things or, you know, newer team members may say, well, at my previous job, I did it this way, you take the guessing work out of it and say this is how we Trust Insights. This is our governance for UTM codes, this is how you have to do it. There’s full transparency, you can see the codes that are getting built, you can see if they’re not being put up correctly. And that’s those are solvable problems that you can then fix with those team members or those agencies to say, you’re kind of messing with our attribution, if you’re not doing it the way that we’ve asked you to do. So we need you to fix that.

Christopher Penn 13:55
Exactly. You might notice that I just hit delete on two columns on the spreadsheet. And you may be wondering, well, why would you do that? That seems like a bad practice. Well, the reason for that is that the content and keyword parameters, they’re still interpreted on the on the back end. But if you look in Google Analytics itself, when you look at things like choices you can make go away HealthBox and ASCII, you can see default shall go away That’s so annoying. This DLL chunk grouping source media campaign, so content and keyword which were previously available as UTM tracking codes for analysis are gone. So if you’re trying to dissect you know, specific types of ad copy and stuff like that you have to incorporate a probably an epic in the campaign UTM code now put all in campaign and stuff having content and keyword.

Katie Robbert 14:46
And so so if you include content and keyword in your UTM string, is there nowhere to see that at all anymore in Google Analytics 4. cuz I know a lot of agencies, especially ad agencies, use those strings to make sure that they know, you know which ads are which. And so this is I mean, much like everything with Google Analytics 4, it’s changed management, you’re doing things completely different now.

Christopher Penn 15:23
See, I believe they’re still available as dimensions in the content, keyword dimensions in Explorer hub, but they’re not built into the native interface. So if you’re comfortable with explorer hub, yes, if you’re not comfortable to explore, then no.

Katie Robbert 15:38
Is it? Are those metrics that you could look at in Data Studio? Are they available there? Let’s go find out. Because it’s, it’s it occurs to me that, you know, a lot of companies, teams, agencies, you know, you name it, have really tried hard to get really good UTM governance. And now Google’s saying Great, now that you’ve mastered that, forget everything, you know, and do it a different way. And so I’m just sort of wondering if there is some sort of a happy medium, so that people don’t have to completely overhaul everything that they’ve been trying to teach their team to do.

Christopher Penn 16:17
And if the contract type is available, the keyword is not

Katie Robbert 16:20
interesting. Well, it’s not available as of today.

Christopher Penn 16:26
As of today, although I did just hit refresh. So Right. So right now it’s not there. Yeah.

Katie Robbert 16:31
Which isn’t to say it won’t be but we, Google has not let us know anything, not us, specifically, everyone specifically, what they will and won’t be including.

Christopher Penn 16:42
Exactly. So our guidance, there would be if you if you’re used to doing content, keywords, incorporate that into your campaign. And then when you’re doing reporting, like in Data Studio, you can, you can create regex filters to pull apart, your combined, you know, campaign slash keyword thing into into something more easily interpreted.

Katie Robbert 17:05
Not as straightforward as it was

Christopher Penn 17:07
not as straightforward as it was. So that covers UTM governance. So the basics of it and why it’s so important because it is a lot more complicated than you used to be. The other thing I know we wanted to talk about is keeping an eye on this stuff to understand like what’s going on, sort of a little bit of governance. So in Data Studio, one of the things that we can do is we can actually build an understanding of our different UTM. So let’s go ahead and do this. I’m going to make three tables here. And what we’re going to be building here is just looking at, are we using intelligent, sensible, UTM codes? Remember, there’s three different sets of source medium campaign, there is the first touch, which is called first user acquisition. So first user source, first user, medium first user campaign, then there is session level, which is what’s happening, intermediate visits, and then there is what’s called Conversion source, medium and campaign. So what was the source medium and campaign at the time of conversion? So let’s use we’re using the Trust Insights account here. Let’s do source. imga for? Yes. Okay. So, our our first user, touch here is called user source, right? It’s user source. Let’s do user UTM. And user campaign. So this is the first touch, source, medium and campaign. Let’s go ahead and resize the columns to fit to data. So it’s a little bit easier to see. And so this is essentially for our website, the first touch that people are coming in on, and we can see there’s there’s a decent amount of direct traffic, Google organic, and then lots of different campaigns. So that’s what we’re looking for here are things that don’t make sense that our our messed up. Scrolling down here, like here’s a couple of like, almost timely, is LinkedIn is a source, but there’s no medium set. Right? So that tells me that I did something wrong in my own posting in my personal newsletter on LinkedIn, I must have hosed the tags and it didn’t come in correctly. So from a governance perspective, that’s wrong. Same here for my personal social media. I’ve got two not sets. Again, that’s something that should not be the case. So I would need to go fix that. So that’s our first touch. Let’s look at our session level data analysis session, source, session medium session. campaign

and you’ll notice the numbers here are different, right? The the order of things are different, because again, this is what’s happening sort of in the middle, essentially, it’s like a mini customer journey almost split to data. And then for our last table we’re gonna use beasts source. This is confusingly, not labeled conversion source medium. It just labeled this, I don’t know why Google is not able to properly Oh, this is hard to see. So let’s do a bit of theme layout. And just make this a little bit tighter. As to what it and we’re going to resize columns fit to data. Okay, now you’ll notice this is a whole bunch of zeros, I think, because I don’t think I have it set to I think have always used that metric has got to be used metric should be you got, or.

Okay, so this is essentially, let’s go into View Mode here. We’re looking for anomalies, looking for bugs, right, looking for things that that don’t make sense. And if they don’t make sense, we should try to figure out why they don’t make sense. Again, some of the things like the CSP newsletter not being set properly, that’s a screw up. And that’s something that we can go fix. So that’s how you do your some basic analysis of your sources, mediums are all of your UTM codes all through your UTM codes, this will tell you what’s, what’s broken and what’s not.

Katie Robbert 22:10
Well, and that means that you have to know what you’re looking for, which goes back to getting familiar with the new world order of how Google is categorizing everything that’s coming into your website, which is it’s similar, but just different enough, from Universal Analytics. So all of your standard things like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, those are still social media, you know, email is still email, you know, and so on, so forth. But there’s going to be other gotchas there. I think there’s new categories now, of sources. One of both, actually, you know, and you know, new social platforms get added all the time. So it’s definitely something that you have to try to stay on top of, which is not easy. That in and of itself could be, you know, a decent amount of time of just staying up to date on what Google is saying, This is what’s valid. And this is what isn’t, there are some obvious things like not set and direct, or none. Those are pretty straightforward to be able to pick them out.

Christopher Penn 23:16
Exactly. And that’s really what you want to go after. First, you want to hunt down the easy stuff. First, clean that up. Another one that is important to look at is just that direct none bucket, like just how big is that bucket? And do you know why? There are some businesses and industries where that’s going to be the case. For example, if you are a B2B company in say, cybersecurity, your attribution data is going to look like almost all direct down. Why? Because all your customers are paranoid privacy nuts, who have like 18 ad blockers turned on, and you know, are using super LockDown Browser, so you’re gonna get no attribution data. And there’s no way to fix that, again, not going to, you’re not going to fix that the only way you’re going to get any data from those folks is, you know, at the time, when someone fills out a form, you say, Okay, please fill out this form, so that we can get in touch with you. And even then, you know, even money whether they lie. But that’s, you know, that’s gonna be the case. In other cases, like finance or health care where people are using browsers and computers that are behind the corporate firewall that’s heavily screaming stuff, again, stuffs gonna get blocked. You may be doing business in certain locations like China, where some information is prohibited to be transferred. And so you may get less and less information from those places. So in general, you can expect that you’re going to get less information. And while we used to say that direct traffic was a direct result of not doing attribution, not to governance, well, that’s not always the case anymore.

Katie Robbert 24:57
So So let’s say, I’m looking at this, let’s say, you know, I’m not at Trust Insights, where we have a lot of control over this data, and we can fix things. Let’s say I work at a larger enterprise sized company. And, you know, a lot of this data is coming through incorrectly. You know, I can go hunt down the individual people, agencies who are doing it incorrectly and fix it. But it’s only correct moving forward. I can’t do anything about the historical data. In Data Studio, is that correct?

Christopher Penn 25:35
Yes, that’s always the case, you can never go back in time.

Katie Robbert 25:39
So how do you? I mean, I guess, and that’s always been sort of really the so what you know, it’s like, well, what do you do with all of that incorrect data? It is what it is, you know. And so I guess I don’t even know what I’m trying to ask. Because it’s such it’s like, it’s it’s weighing down my brain in such a way of, you put an analysis like this together, you see that everything is being coded incorrectly, you go ahead and fix it. But then you can’t compare the fixed data to the older data, which may have been broken for a long time.

Christopher Penn 26:17
It depends on the decision you’re trying to make. Like, if you’re if you’re just poking around, then it’s not a big deal, right? It’s, but if there’s a decision you’re trying to make, I had a call this morning. With a prospective customer. They’re like, Yeah, our data is all hosed. I said, you know, what decision are you trying to make? And the personal phone said, Well, we’re not really making any decisions. I said, okay, then you don’t need to worry about your broken data. Because you’re not using it for anything. It’s like, I’m not sure if I’m not sure if this bread is bad or not. Yeah, but are you going to eat a sandwich? No, okay, well, then I was really mad if the Brits are bad or not, if you’re not going to use if you’re never going to eat it, if you’re trying to say a very common use case is you’re trying to make budget decisions about what to do. And all of your data is busted. One thing you can do if you’ve got time, even to seven days worth of data, once you fixed everything is just do a comparison, what is the you know, what is seven days versus, you know, the previous seven days before you fixed everything look like? Are there sources and mediums that you don’t have to fix. So for example, organic search traffic is not something you can’t fix it right? There’s it’s literally not under your control, referral traffic from other sites is not under your control. If you can get a sense of how clean those things are, if they are consistent, then you know that the past data, you might be able to rearrange, like, if you export it, and you’re processing it in an offline system, you can, you might be able to fix it up to be apples to apples with the new the new world order. If on the other hand, maybe it was something as severe as Oh, we forgot to put Tag Manager on our website, then there’s no fixing that and you just kind of start making decisions with the data that you have.

Katie Robbert 28:04
So, John, I would love to get your opinion on this as well. But you know, so Chris, you’re giving the example of well, you know, you’re not making any decisions with the data. So it doesn’t matter if your data is broken. I disagree with you. Because just because you’re not making decisions with it today doesn’t mean that tomorrow, something isn’t going to change. And so I do think it’s important to, you know, every, if you’re collecting the data, why would you be collecting it wrong? Period, you know, you either collect it correctly, or just don’t collect it, and then you can fix it along the way. But, you know, I struggle with the notion of, well, you can just leave a broken, you’re not looking at it. John, what is your thought on that?

John Wall 28:47
Yeah, well, I mean, you bring up a great point that, you know, that doesn’t mean that one year from now, the new CMO is going to want to see all this stuff. And if it’s broken, you’re going to be building it from scratch. So that’s, yeah, you’re you’re kind of trapped. It’s like, at what point? Do you continue to set up measurement. And I think, ultimately, you get to a point where you do want to have some fixed rules as far as, hey, I spend X amount of time on campaigns and making things work. And I spend another, you know, block of time on measurement and making things that are working so that, you know, you don’t fall into that trap of like, you’re just running campaigns all the time, and you have no measurement on anything, and you’re just kind of praying that things work. But yeah, it’s kind of a huge ongoing challenge. The other thing is, you can’t at least, you know, keep thin slicing stuff, like if, okay, you know, the data from last year is just Hoser is never going to be there. Well, let’s start comparing this week to last week or you know, you know, keep thin slicing down, so at least you’ve got something to compare against and see how it goes. And the cool thing with that is, you can stretch that out up to a quarter and then once you start to get to quarterly and seasonal data, it starts to stabilize, but at least you got some kind of picture of what’s going on.

Christopher Penn 29:57
And that’s really that’s the essence of it. If, if the data is broken in predictable ways, from your past, you can export it and clean it up and make it apples to apples. If the data is broken in unpredictable ways, or it’s just flat out missing, you’re you’re you’re kind of hosed. At that point, there’s, there’s not any way to bring it back from the dead.

Katie Robbert 30:22
So at the end of the day, the so what of all of this is that data governance, regardless of what system you’re using, is really important to set up from the get go. And so as I was saying, in our workshop, a cut from a couple of weeks ago, Chris, I see Google Analytics 4 as an opportunity to recast those expectations. If you hadn’t been using good data governance before, this is a great time to start putting those processes in place. Because it’s a new system, it’s an opportunity to have that conversation with your teams, with your agencies, with whoever’s working on your marketing to say, this is the way it needs to be done moving forward. This is a new system. It’s a fresh start. Let’s get it right this time.

Christopher Penn 31:09
Exactly. Right. Abdullah, analytics, amnesty, those. So what to me is this, if you want this data, and attribution to be correct, you’ve got to have good governance, if you want to be able to look at this tool, and say, is what we’re doing working, you’ve got to have the governance in place to make sure the data going into this that feeds this is also correct, because it’s computing one on one garbage in garbage out, you can’t make decisions from broken data. And as awesome as these analytics tools are, they are only as good as the information we put in. So if you want to, to hand this to the CMO, and say, hey, I want more budget for X, gotta have the data there.

Katie Robbert 31:56
And it’s the exact reason why we say Don’t skip over the requirements gathering phase of any project, whether it’s introducing a new piece of software, or you know, putting together a report. That’s why the requirements gathering is so critical, because that’s where you start to establish those governance rules. And it doesn’t have to be long and laborious. We have a lot of resources on our website that talk about how to accomplish these things. But this is why this is why skipping to just plugging in the system and saying, Okay, you software done isn’t going to cut it.

Christopher Penn 32:29
Exactly, exactly. So any parting thoughts?

Katie Robbert 32:35
Looking at you, John, dude, you

John Wall 32:37
got to do this. This is everybody fails at this. And this is what you have to do if you’re gonna prove what’s working. This is how you get it done.

Christopher Penn 32:44
Actually, you bring out a really good point, John, in one year and 15 days, Universal Analytics turns off, right, the datasets being collected, and Google Analytics 4 is the only way to do this. If I because then I was on the phone with somebody this morning. They said yeah, some of our affiliates are going to wait till next year, I said, then they can’t get you over your data. If they when when on July 120 23. When they finally get off their butts and make the switch, they are starting with one day of analytics data because they’re old data doesn’t come across. So the sooner you do this stuff, the sooner you get your governance in place, the sooner you have good use of your data. And that’s the short version. If you would like more information about the course that we mentioned, you can find it trust a slash G a four course, it is a fairly extensive course we put it together. It’s like five and a half hours to teach you all the stuff that we just showed plus, so so much more. So please go check that out. I guess on that note, we will talk to you all next week. Thanks for watching today. Be sure to subscribe to our show wherever you’re watching it. For more resources. And to learn more. Check out the Trust Insights podcast at trust AI podcast and a weekly email newsletter at trust Got questions about what you saw in today’s episode. Join our free analytics for markers slack group at trust for marketers See you next time.

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Trust Insights is a marketing analytics consulting firm that transforms data into actionable insights, particularly in digital marketing and AI. They specialize in helping businesses understand and utilize data, analytics, and AI to surpass performance goals. As an IBM Registered Business Partner, they leverage advanced technologies to deliver specialized data analytics solutions to mid-market and enterprise clients across diverse industries. Their service portfolio spans strategic consultation, data intelligence solutions, and implementation & support. Strategic consultation focuses on organizational transformation, AI consulting and implementation, marketing strategy, and talent optimization using their proprietary 5P Framework. Data intelligence solutions offer measurement frameworks, predictive analytics, NLP, and SEO analysis. Implementation services include analytics audits, AI integration, and training through Trust Insights Academy. Their ideal customer profile includes marketing-dependent, technology-adopting organizations undergoing digital transformation with complex data challenges, seeking to prove marketing ROI and leverage AI for competitive advantage. Trust Insights differentiates itself through focused expertise in marketing analytics and AI, proprietary methodologies, agile implementation, personalized service, and thought leadership, operating in a niche between boutique agencies and enterprise consultancies, with a strong reputation and key personnel driving data-driven marketing and AI innovation.

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