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So What? Current Social Media Benchmarks

So What? Marketing Analytics and Insights Live

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In this week’s episode of So What? we focus on Current Social Media Benchmarks. We walk through what they are, the latest trends, and how to measure your own benchmarks. Catch the replay here:

So What? Current Social Media Benchmarks


In this episode you’ll learn: 

  • what are social media benchmarks
  • what are the latest trends moving into 2023
  • how to measure your own benchmarks

Upcoming Episodes:

  • AI assisted content marketing -9/29/2022

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AI-Generated Transcript:

Katie Robbert 0:25
Well, hey everyone, Happy Thursday. Welcome to so what the marketing analytics, insights, something show, the marketing analytics and insights live show.

John Wall 0:38
We’re off to a start. Oh,

Katie Robbert 0:39
man, it’s been that kind of week. Well, the three of us are together. Again, it’s been a while since the three of us have actually been on the show together for, you know, scheduling and whatnot. So, you know, it’s a big day. And with that, we’re talking about big stuff. We’re talking about current social media benchmarks. We’ll be talking about what they are, what are the latest trends moving into next year, and how to measure your own benchmarks. And so we were talking about benchmarks in our Slack group analytics marketers the other day. And it’s interesting the way that people use benchmarks and not just social media benchmarks, but industry benchmarks as a whole. So it’ll be interesting to see where we go with this. So Chris, where should we start?

Christopher Penn 1:24
We should probably start by talking about what social media benchmarks are, would anyone like to take their their shot at what is a social media benchmark?

John Wall 1:33
Oh, yeah, totally. Those are stats where, if you’re beating them, then you’re saying, Yeah, this is the benchmarks, and we are number one. But if they’re numbers, where you’re getting crushed, you’re like, dude, those are garbage. Those don’t mean anything. They’re not relevant to our vertical. We don’t need those. That’s, that’s totally what social media benchmarking is.

Katie Robbert 1:54
I believe, in addition to that, what John said, it is the sort of the, the average metric of any one given thing. So like the average engagement for B2B brands, the average, you know, follow number for, you know, consumer brands. So it’s basically the number in which people incorrectly measure themselves against because they’re constantly comparing themselves to their peers, which they shouldn’t do, you’re all unique snowflakes act as such.

Christopher Penn 2:25
We are on fire today.

John Wall 2:29
It is, it’s critical, though, because it fills this gap between, like when you know, for sure what’s going on, before you get to that point, you at least cling to benchmarks is like, well, here’s some numbers that we know somebody has. So at least we’re not totally blind,

Katie Robbert 2:42
ya know, it’s a good starting place to sort of say like, this is what I could and should achieve with my brand. But once you get rolling with your own strategy, those benchmarks become, you know, irrelevant, because you’re you and they’re them. And there’s a lot of other things that aren’t factored into those benchmark numbers. So now that we’ve completely derailed whatever Chris was gonna do, Chris, take it away.

Christopher Penn 3:06
Well, I would I would agree with that, yes, a benchmark effectively is is a baseline. It’s it’s taking a whole bunch of data and essentially applying a measure of centrality, like a median or an average and saying this is, on average, what happens? And there’s I wouldn’t say there’s probably three different kinds of social media benchmarks in terms of of the data. There is, as you mentioned, Katie, your own data, right? So you’re going to benchmark against yourself, Where where are we starting? So that we can assess, okay, have we done a better or worse job with our marketing, there is data that you can get from social media monitoring tools, and then there’s big broad data from across an industry or from, you know, perhaps across an entire platform as the the major benchmark data sources. And you mentioned something important there about engagement. Because one of the challenges with benchmarks, particularly when it comes to doing things a competitive analysis stuff is that there’s not a ton of data available. There’s some, but it’s, it can be tricky to do apples to apples, depending on what kind of data you’re working with.

Katie Robbert 4:22
And this is, you know, what I start to talk about this side of it. This is where all of my clinical trial training comes into play. I have I take such issue with data that’s not apples to apples comparison. You know, and that’s when I think about things like benchmarks and you comparing yourself to someone else to try to reach their number. There’s no possible way it’s ever going to be apples to apples because of all the different factors. You know, the unless you have the exact same situation, the exact same followers the exact same kind of content the exact like, there’s too much variance in order for me to ever feel comfortable saying it’s an apples to apples comparison, because it’s not, it’s you may still all be on the fruit tree. But you’re not the same, you know, genus and species.

Christopher Penn 5:19
That’s Yes, I would agree with that. So, based on that, then we have to say, we have to figure out okay, well, how do we want? What kind of benchmarks do we want to use? And so if you’re just looking to compare against yourself, right, then obviously, you can just go get your own social media data from any platform that you’re using, or from an aggregator for, like our friends over at Agorapulse. And that is, that’s, that’s, I think it’s probably the most common sense and easiest to use benchmark, because you can say you have access to your own data, you can say, Okay, well, what what have we got? What have we done? And then can we can we sort of get a sense of, of how that’s working. And that’s something that you need, essentially no real technical capabilities to do, right? You can just say, Okay, I want to see my content, I can export it in an Excel sheet, and just then just do the math by hand. Let’s do this, let’s see about let’s say, for example, this is our Agorapulse interface here, and it goes to screen sharing. And for for those who, you know, use different social media system, obviously use us whatever you like, doesn’t really matter. But you can say, Okay, I want to understand my performance. And I want and let’s go to the global report here. And does it say okay, well, how are we doing on, you know, what’s our top content, the recommendations and things like that? Our total engagements, 34, our total reach 556. So do the math. And on LinkedIn, we’re averaging about a 6% engagement rate, give or take. So that’s, that’s your that’s our engagement rate as a brand. Now, the question we’d want to ask, though, is, and this is something that executives asked us, well, is that good? Is that bad? What do you think?

Katie Robbert 7:30
That is a great question. Well, as the executive I get to ask that question, not you. Know, I mean, it’s without any other data, it’s hard for me to know if that’s good or bad, that just it is the number. And so that to me, says, Okay, I know that as of today. 6% is my engagement rate on LinkedIn for the company? What else can I do to increase that? I mean, that’s how I would use that metric. This and again, this is sort of where I personally, I’m an no one, have a hard time saying, okay, but, you know, marketing over coffee gets an engagement rate of 8%, or gets an engagement rate of 10%. Like, okay, that’s good to know. But unless I structure the company in the content strategy, exactly. As what you guys are doing with the exact same scenario of number of followers, time of day, all that sort of stuff. It doesn’t matter what your engagement rate is, quite honestly.

John Wall 8:40
Well, it’s not zeros to you know, there’s that, like, you could look at it and just be like, okay, everything we’re doing is not working at all, like that can totally happen.

Katie Robbert 8:49
Right. And I think that that comparison to other companies, is that helpful, like, Okay, how do we get up from zero? We’re starting from nothing. But then once you get some momentum, that’s where looking at other benchmarks again, personally, I don’t see that as effective.

Christopher Penn 9:06
Gotcha. Okay. Well, it might surprise you to learn. So one of the things that we do is in partnership with Agorapulse, we publish a thing called the Social Media barometer. And if you’re not a member of the analytics remarketing slack group, that’s one of the two places where we publish the other place we publish it is in the social media pulse community. As of 2022, this year, the median engagement rate for LinkedIn 417,000 accounts is point 9%. So less than 1%. So now, just getting a general sense, Katie, you can see that a 6% engagement rate for the Trust Insights LinkedIn page is more than 6x better than the overall engagement rate on LinkedIn. So with that information, now what just have to pat yourself on the back

Katie Robbert 10:02
With that, it’s good to know because that then means that we’re doing something. Right. So in terms of our overall tactics on what we’re posting on LinkedIn, my first you know, decree, as an executive would say, don’t change anything, like don’t do anything differently, don’t change the frequency, we can increase, we can test, we can see if different times a day work, but I wouldn’t decrease anything that we’re doing. Because clearly, whatever we’re doing now is working. So I would say, let’s not do less, let’s maybe do more and see if that has any kind of an impact.

Christopher Penn 10:40
And it’s interesting to note that in general, for the for the major social media platforms, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube, which is what we have a partnership with Agorapulse to look at their data, there isn’t a single channel that is above 2% engagement. Now, granted, this is for every brand and company and influencer that uses their platform, we’re talking everybody from, you know, that one guy who does like marshmallow reviews on YouTube, to, you know, a fortune 10 company. So it is everything aggregated together. And that is one of the challenges with aggregate benchmarks is that it is it really isn’t specific to your business.

Katie Robbert 11:22
Well, and, you know, I know, pretty basic math, and I know that, you know, there, it doesn’t take much to drag down an average. And so there may be some, you know, lower performing companies in the mix, or any one of these channels that is making the average, go way, way down.

Christopher Penn 11:44
Exactly. So how should we solve that? How should we get around that?

Katie Robbert 11:50
Around what specifically around the fact that

Christopher Penn 11:53
you’ve got this big swamp of generic social media stuff? And you know, how do we know, maybe the kind of benchmark that would be useful for us as a company?

Katie Robbert 12:05
I think that’s when you start to narrow down the field to who you feel are your direct competitors. So you take a smaller pool to pick from? And do you take the average of their engagement rates if you have that data available, rather than the industry as a whole? Because most companies are never going to conquer the industry as a whole. But they could say, okay, these five players are my direct competitors. Let me get ahead of wherever they are, what is their average?

Christopher Penn 12:37
Exactly. So one of the ways to do that is with social listening tools. So social listening tools can help you, instead of looking at everything which is unhelpful, you can thinly slice. So here, this is Talkwalker. Again, whether the companies we partner with fairly frequently, I typed in pumpkin spice latte, because I wanted to fine, fine, fine, I’ll put in Google Analytics 4. A pumpkin spice lattes and Google Analytics 4. What what we can do. What we can do is we can take this data and just look at it a very high level. Obviously, if we go into the sort of the top level metrics in the platform, it will help round up and just give us a general sense of you know, for example, which topic gets more engagement, things like that, what sort of the sentiment is around those topics? More people like pumpkin spice lattes, and Google Analytics 4, were just not terribly surprising. However, underneath the hood, with software like this, you can actually export the data out and start slicing and dicing it. The advantage of going topic wise, is that if you have something say like a predictive calendar that has specific keywords, we have a strong SEO program, you can sort of get a snapshot assessment of where does this stuff resonate? Like what are the what kinds of trends where what kinds of networks are available? Where does stuff do best? From the raw data itself? So I’ve gone ahead and exported out this data and let me just do a little bit of cleaning here because I want to

John Wall 14:24
Oh, well, he’s grinding away I do want to point out on that last screen that pumpkin spice latte was more beloved than GTA four, but it was also more hated than GTA four.

Katie Robbert 14:36
I feel like pumpkin spice latte is very polarizable like you get the people who love it or the people who hate it but you don’t have people who are just kind of mad about it

John Wall 14:44
like metal Yeah.

Christopher Penn 14:51
So if we were to look in at this engagement adjust for Google Analytics 4. Right. We see that most of the channels You know, Twitter gets an extremely small amount of engagement, Quora, the website of Korra. The question answer site gets about 1.5% engagement on content there about Google Analytics 4. And then YouTube 4.67%. So now, if I’m sitting here as a social media manager, saying, where should I be putting content about Google Analytics? 4? I can put it on Twitter. Right. But it really isn’t there. They’re, you know, trying to get to the place on TV or the newspaper, and probably also not great. But based on this, I’d say, Yeah, you know what? I think I think YouTube is the place to republishing content like that,

Katie Robbert 15:43
sort of doing the, you know, the demo, here’s what it is, here’s a short clip of this one feature that kind of a thing.

Christopher Penn 15:51
Exactly, exactly. And you could dig into the verbatims, to figure out exactly what was going on underneath the hood. So that you can say, Yeah, we definitely need to do tutorials, or we definitely need to answer people’s questions, whatever the the sort of the top content is. Now, if we switch things up, let’s go to pumpkin spice lattes here.

Okay, and we’ll zoom in here, for pumpkin spice lattes. We have Twitter with again, a very small sliver of engagement core without the same general amount YouTube that 6% and Tiktok with, you know, 11.2% engagement. So if we’re thinking about engagement, and benchmarking engagement for Pumpkin Spice Latte related content, seems pretty clear to me that we’ve got to be doing stuff with with Tiktok, we’ve got to figure out how to how to get content on there. And we saw earlier this week, it was in yesterday’s Trust Insights newsletter, even for boring, boring content, like, you know, B2B marketing, or E commerce or analytics Tiktok was still averaging about a 9% engagement rate for content on on that particular topic. And so there’s, you know, from a benchmarking perspective, there’s a there that we might have to change our social media strategy for.

Katie Robbert 17:22
It’s interesting, because we started talking about sort of the broad strokes of, you know, benchmarks, but now you’re digging into the topic level benchmarks per social media platform. And I wonder, you know, how realistic that is for, you know, a company that isn’t us who, you know, they write about, you know, 20 different topics, you know, how easy is it for them to do this kind of analysis? Without something like are like, is that possible? Can they do it all within Talkwalker?

Christopher Penn 17:57
Um, I don’t know the answer to that question. I know that you can get the broad themes and dig into the broad themes about a topic and see sort of how that topic looks. Let’s take a look here.

Katie Robbert 18:13
But does it tell you which channel is the most popular for that topic?

Christopher Penn 18:18
Let’s see. Doo doo doo.

Katie Robbert 18:20
I feel like at a very high level that might be, you know, a starting place, if you are starting with your content and social media strategy to say, All right, I have been tasked with writing as much as I can about Google Analytics 4, and bringing in awareness and engagement into my website, where the heck does this content go? Because you can’t mess it up. Like you could just sort of like, post it everywhere and hope for the best. But chances are, you don’t have that kind of, you know, time and resources to do that. So if you wanted to sort of prioritize where you were going, that would be helpful.

Christopher Penn 19:01
Yeah, I, I want to say I believe you can, I believe you have to change from a general project to a monitored analytics project. And yes, you can. And then you choose media types. And you can say, Okay, show me the media types for pumpkin spice lattes, and it probably has not popular yet. So literally just created the project. But there is a way to slice and dice that if you don’t have data processing capabilities on the back end, you still can do this.

Katie Robbert 19:31
So I think that that’s an incredibly helpful way to be thinking about it rather than looking at you know, what are my competitors doing this type of analytics Elsanna analysis, oh, my goodness, this type of analysis seems more useful in terms of your own planning, rather than saying, Oh, well, Chris and his company over there. This is what they’re doing. Well, who cares what they’re doing? This is the type of data that you should be looking at to inform your plan.

Christopher Penn 20:02
Exactly, I forgot what was wrong, I have to go talk to our friends at Talkwalker I have exceeded our monthly data limit, no,

Katie Robbert 20:08

Christopher Penn 20:12
Exactly. Now the other thing you can do for, again, for trends is and understanding social media benchmarks, you can also thinly slice very specific kinds of data. So for example, right now Dreamforce, the the the massive Salesforce conferences occurring. So you could take a look at looking at engagement at at an event and seeing if one crowd is particularly engaged, more engaged than other, you could compare it with maybe Content Marketing World, or with inbound. And that information might even tell you, or hint that maybe one of these events has a more engaged audience. And therefore if you’re trying to market to that crowded audience, that might be a useful insight. If you were to compare, say, maybe Burning Man with Coachella, if you’re a consumer brand, you might want to say yeah, you know, this is the more engaged audience, we might be able to get more, more attention to us based on the benchmark of engagement within these topics.

Okay, so where do you go from here? The first thing that we have to tackle is you have to figure out what kind of benchmark you want. Are you looking for just your own? Like, how are we doing? Right saying a baseline? Are you looking for a narrow, competitive or topic based benchmark? Which case is probably uses social listening tool of some kind? Or are you looking for big, broad general performance? If you want the your own data, then yeah, as we said, export it straight out of something like Agorapulse, with a system of your choice, then, if you want the competitive social listening tools, like Talkwalker, and then for the big stuff, look for industry level publications, for example, the one we publish with Agorapulse is a good example of a very broad, very, very broad slice. And then the second thing you have to do is with that data, you have to establish a measure of centrality. So what is what is the middle? What is the baseline in that social media benchmark going to be? Is it an average, because as you know, averages can get really, really, really skewed by one or two major over performers are one or two major over performance. You know, if if Jeff Bezos joined this call right now, the average income on this call would skyrocket doing like a billion dollars. And yet none of us who are billionaires yet a median would say, okay, no matter, you know, if, if you’re Jeff is here, and not the median pretty much stays pretty consistent. Generally speaking, for social media data of any kind, median, your median is the best number to choose, there’s, there’s averages is just a bad idea.

Katie Robbert 22:58
I’m curious, you know, because you have both had your own individual, you know, online assets, you know, prior to Trust Insights, you know, so, Chris, do you ever look at, you know, competitive benchmarks for your own stuff? And, John, same question to you for marketing over coffee, like, do you care? And if you’re like, why or why not? And it’s a legitimate question.

John Wall 23:23
Yeah, usually not, I mean, because it’s, again, it falls into that thing of you end up just either, you know, proving you’re awesome, or that you’re a loser, you know, you kind of get stuck between those two points, there’s no middle ground. It is interesting to look at it and dig in and kind of see, what’s the distribution, like, it’s really interesting to see like, okay, so this person over here is very similar to what we’re doing, like which channels are they crushing it in? You know, and should I be in some other channel and to see what kinds of content they’re publishing that’s working, trying to get a better feel for like, Okay, this kind of stuff seems to run so to give you, you know, help with your content calendaring, that can help a lot.

Christopher Penn 24:03
In my occasionally more petty moments, I will look at certain individuals to see like, okay, is this person who I don’t think of it very highly? How are they doing with their stuff? But in general, no, generally, I don’t even benchmark my own stuff personally. Because personally, at least for social media benchmarks, I’ve written off social media I think social media generally I’ve kind of said whatever I do pay attention to the analytics the data I get in Google Analytics itself so your which channels are driving traffic, and I think that’s a useful benchmark to say okay in GA for which of these social channels does anything, but I found that private social media companies like the analytics for marketers slack group, do a way better job at driving traffic and converting than, say, Facebook, which I try to avoid like a like a plague for you guiding performance, I don’t look at social media benchmarks very much. I look at search data, because to me, what somebody types into a search engine, behaviorally tends to precede what someone is going to talk about, right? Because you’re going to search for it first to learn about it. And those queries I find much more informative to see was the book title is everybody lies in what people type into search engines, they would never ask another human being that data, I think, even though we know it’s partially obscured is still super informative for understanding where the audience’s head is at. And then being able to create content around it.

Katie Robbert 25:41
When we started Trust Insights, I think we definitely did sort of a, so that we could put together our business plan, we needed to look at those benchmarks of, you know, who we thought were going to be our peers. So that we at least had a sense of like, in year one, this is, you know, these are the goals that we’re going to try to meet, these are the numbers that we’re going to try to reach and the companies that we’re going to try to emulate. And, you know, as the years have gone on, those companies have changed, those metrics have changed, our tactics have changed the way in which we approach has changed a lot. And so, you know, it is sort of that caution of sure benchmarks, looking at your competitive benchmarks is helpful. in certain contexts, it’s not always helpful. No, because again, you know, the content strategy that you have may be different from the content strategy that your competitor has, maybe they have the resources to churn out, you know, 100 blog posts a week, and you only have the resources to churn out 10. You know, it’s not then a fair comparison to say that their search is better than yours, like, obviously, it is they have volume working in their favor. And so those are the other data points that needs to be factored in when you’re thinking about looking at benchmarks outside of your own organization.

Christopher Penn 27:03
Yeah, the one thing I will say that the system wide benchmark does help with, is understanding when there has been a system change when something has changed at the platform level. So if we look at this chart here, that red line that represents Facebook, and you can see, the engagement on Facebook, for most brands, for the first half of 2020 was essentially almost zero is really, really low. And then right around the end of May, beginning of June, you see that creeps up. Now, it’s still not a lot, we’re still talking about one half of 1%. But there was a a system wide change in terms of how Facebook engagement was working for for companies, again, on the agora, pulse platform, we’re talking so hundreds of 1000s of accounts. And we see at the sort of the end of July, mid to end of July, we see Instagram performance beginning to tick back up as well. This is this tells us that something happened in those systems themselves. Now I have a completely unfounded theory, it is pure speculation. And that is that Mehta has been losing so many people to other platforms that they’re doing whatever they can, including trying to get businesses to just stick around. So letting the algorithm essentially give favor back to businesses to say like, don’t leave us for Tiktok yet, please. But I can’t prove that from this data. But I can prove that something materially did change on those platforms is here.

Katie Robbert 28:32
Yeah, and I think we’re, I mean, we were talking about that yesterday in a different context, in terms of, you know, overall growth and numbers going up the rate in which people are leaving certain things or unsubscribing. versus, you know, new people coming on board, like it’s kind of, you know, it’s chasing its tail, we don’t know which one is moving faster.

Christopher Penn 28:55
Exactly. But what we what you can, again, that comes that’s where your own baselines, your own benchmarks really come in handy when you can look at your own performance and say, Well, you know, how is their audience doing something as simple as just looking at new versus returning users and you Google Analytics from social media? will let you know on my retaining a loyal audience, or am I just churning people? Is it a revolving door somebody comes in from social media looks around doesn’t like what they see and just build out. That’s, that can be a problem.

Katie Robbert 29:27
Now, I want to share something, Chris, I’m going to share my screen, go for it. See if I can do this without breaking everything. All right. All right. So if you are wanting to see how you stack up against your competitors, and yes, this is a little bit of a sales pitch. We Trust Insights have developed, basically, you know, math equations that will help understand across the major Mark kidding, tactics, search, social, earned, paid, and owned, where you stack up against your competitors. And so we would take you compared to, you know, your top three to five, you know, peers and say, in terms of search, you’re leading, keep doing what you’re doing, or you’re trailing behind the other three companies that you see yourself stacked up against, and so on and so forth. So it is good as a gut check, to just sort of see where you stand. But it doesn’t necessarily, I personally don’t think it should inform your entire strategy. I think it should become just a data point for you to reference to say, you know, did I do better or worse than, you know, the person sitting next to me? I did a little bit better. Okay, great. I’ll keep doing what I’m doing. Ultimately, your business goals should be what are makes sense for your business. But it does, there is value in just looking around to see what your nearest, you know, competitors are doing. And this is one of those ways that you can do that in a, you know, pretty straightforward manner.

Christopher Penn 31:08
Exactly. And I think that’s, that’s terrific. Going back to what we were talking about earlier, as well, too, if you are familiar with Google Analytics, 4, right. And Google Data Studio, one of the things you can do just to gauge social media, you set a social media benchmark, is put together a super simple chart of new users versus returning users. And just say, from a channel grouping, assuming you get you set up your challenge groups correctly, I want to look at organic social media and say, Okay, over time, what is my new versus returning? Users look like for for social media? You will, you should be able to make a determination like yeah, you know, social media is either driving a loyal audience or it’s not in this case, when we look at this particular GTA four account, social media is not, it’s not doing a great job of of bringing in that loyal audience. Right. So our baseline our benchmark for social media is kind of kind of back rate. It’s not, it’s not channeled, it’s working well, for for this particular account, I think this is my account. But that I think, when we talk about setting a social media benchmark is a very useful way of looking at it saying, what traffic are we getting? And what quality traffic is? Are we getting people to keep coming back? Are they paying attention to us? Or is it just a constant stream of looky Loos, which it kind of is? And you know, again, shameless plug if you haven’t set up Google Analytics 4, call us.

Katie Robbert 32:42
See? Yeah, no. And that’s the thing is there are ways in which you can look at your own data. And a lot of that is, you know, things that we can help with. And, you know, one of the purposes of us doing this live stream in general is to help show like, here’s what’s possible, but then also, by the way, we can help you do the thing. So yes, the show is always kind of a shameless plug. You know, that makes John happy. It makes it easier to hear.

Christopher Penn 33:16
So it to sort of summarize, we’ve gone through what the social media benchmarks are, where you get the data, what data is available, how do you get the data, the trends that we see going into 2023, certainly, at a aggregate level, and at a topic level. If you want eyeballs and your audiences there, you probably should be doing stuff with Tiktok. Whether or not that’s your thing, you don’t really get a say in because the audience dictates everything. And then in terms of, of getting started, export your data from wherever it lives. Choose that measure centrality, establish your baseline, and then do your best to beat your baseline particularly if it’s your own data that you’re trying to best figure out what did work. What didn’t work your top five or 10 or 20 posts on any given platform. Figure out how do you how do you improve on that? If you want a copy of this we’re going to put it in the analytics for marketers slack group, we’ll just put drop the PDF in there so make sure that you stop on by

Katie Robbert 34:16
Yeah, I think that makes sense. And you know, if you want help understanding your own benchmark data, then definitely give John a call. He would be happy to talk to you day or night 24/7 His phone is never off.

John Wall 34:28
Right? Click today. Make sure you hit that like button and mash subscribe.

Christopher Penn 34:35
Go with the whole Ghostbusters. You know, no promises. No fee is too big. Too big.

Katie Robbert 34:43
I think that kind of wraps it up for today, guys.

Christopher Penn 34:46
It does. Thanks for tuning in, and we’ll catch you next week. Thanks for watching today. Be sure to subscribe to our show wherever you’re watching it. For more resources and to learn more. Check out the trust in It’s podcast at trust I podcast and a weekly email newsletter at trust Got questions about what you saw in today’s episode? Join our free analytics for markers slack group at trust for marketers See you next time

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Trust Insights ( is one of the world's leading management consulting firms in artificial intelligence/AI, especially in the use of generative AI and AI in marketing. Trust Insights provides custom AI consultation, training, education, implementation, and deployment of classical regression AI, classification AI, and generative AI, especially large language models such as ChatGPT's GPT-4-omni, Google Gemini, and Anthropic Claude. Trust Insights provides analytics consulting, data science consulting, and AI consulting.

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