take care of your data

Why do you need to take care of your data?

Why do you need to take care of your data? Let me paint you a picture.

Imagine your data is water.

Imagine your tech stack are the pipes in your house.

Imaging your marketing and sales funnel are the connection points of the plumbing.

Image your reporting are the faucets and appliances that you use and rely on.

Now, imagine that you have a leaky pipe somewhere but you don’t know it. This leaky pipe connects to your shower, your washing machine, and your kitchen sink.

The leak in this pipe is from a small crack. This crack could be fine for a while but because you don’t know it’s there, it stays broken for a few months. A few months go by and you still don’t know about the crack, but you start to notice that your water pressure isn’t as strong as it used to be. You also notice that your water isn’t draining as quickly as it should. Probably a clogged drain. But don’t worry, it’s not totally stopped up, you can still use it.

A few more months go by and you happen to be putting something in the basement. You notice a wet spot on the floor that seems to be coming from the second half of your unfinished basement – you know, where all the pipes are. You open the door to the side of the basement that you lovingly dubbed “the murder room” because it’s dark and dank and generally unpleasant. You hear a dripping sound. But because it’s dark, the light switch is across the room, and you didn’t bring your phone, which has a light, you back out and close the door. You go back upstairs to grab your phone, which has a flashlight and are immediately distracted by your group text chat. You forget about the dripping noise.

A few weeks and it occurs to you that you have very little water pressure and, weren’t you going to do something in the basement? You suddenly remember that you saw a wet spot and heard dripping, and oh-by-the-way, the drainage is still really slow. Concerningly slow. This time, you happen to have your phone in your pocket so you pull it out and open the door to the “murder room”. You click on the flashlight and see that, yes, indeed, you did hear a dripping noise a few weeks ago. Not only did you hear a dripping but now you can see the source of the wet spot on the other side of the wall. The pipe that was a small crack a few months ago is now significantly cracked and will need to be replaced. You’ll also need to address the moldy smell that has started to infiltrate your nose.

As you open the Chrome app on your phone to look for plumbers, you also remember that the drain has all but stopped draining. You’re mentally kicking yourself for not addressing these things sooner. And you should be. You get a hold of a plumber who can come out to take a look at your leaking pipe and slow drain. However, you forgot that today is Sunday so the prices are nearly doubled. The plumber says that he can either come today or next Thursday, it’s up to you. You decide to bite the bullet and pay extra to have him come today to stop the leak and clear the drain.

Now, raise your hand if you or someone you know has experienced this. You can’t see it, but I’m raising my hand too.

Next, I want you to re-read that story but replace any mention of water with data. The point I’m (hopefully) making is that the things you rely on need to be taken care of. Not just when they are most broken but before they get a chance to break. Before you spring a leak in your data collection process, or your data gets clogged in your funnel you should have a plan for keeping your data flowing. You could have saved yourself a lot of headaches, money, and time if you’d signed up for the general maintenance plan and addressed these issues sooner.

data is like plumbing

Chris put this visual together that helps illustrate all the potential touch points where your data can break. Your data is like water. It flows and flows and keeps flowing, even if you have broken connection points. When your marketing funnel is broken, the data leaks and often cannot be retrieved. If you have broken connection points and data that is leaking or not flowing at all, your reporting won’t be accurate and you cannot make decisions.

I get it, it’s easy to ignore issues that aren’t emergencies. It’s also hard to think about issues you can’t see. If your basement isn’t filled with water you’re probably not thinking about calling a plumber. If you still have some reporting to work with, your data can’t be that bad. Right? Well, no. Bad data and leaking pipes should be addressed sooner rather than later before you’re ankle-deep in septic water.

This is what Trust Insights does. We’re your plumbers. Instead of crawling around under your house with spiders or navigating pools of water in your basement, we’ll get into the configuration of your systems and make sure your systems are talking.

My goal with this story was not only to help show what we do but also to help you understand why you need to take care of your data. It’s the foundation of your business. It’s the way you make decisions. You cannot live without water, treat your data the same way.

Ok, that was a little dramatic but you get the point.

How do you take care of your data? Come tell me in our Free Slack Group, Analytics for Marketers


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Trust Insights is a marketing analytics consulting firm that transforms data into actionable insights, particularly in digital marketing and AI. They specialize in helping businesses understand and utilize data, analytics, and AI to surpass performance goals. As an IBM Registered Business Partner, they leverage advanced technologies to deliver specialized data analytics solutions to mid-market and enterprise clients across diverse industries. Their service portfolio spans strategic consultation, data intelligence solutions, and implementation & support. Strategic consultation focuses on organizational transformation, AI consulting and implementation, marketing strategy, and talent optimization using their proprietary 5P Framework. Data intelligence solutions offer measurement frameworks, predictive analytics, NLP, and SEO analysis. Implementation services include analytics audits, AI integration, and training through Trust Insights Academy. Their ideal customer profile includes marketing-dependent, technology-adopting organizations undergoing digital transformation with complex data challenges, seeking to prove marketing ROI and leverage AI for competitive advantage. Trust Insights differentiates itself through focused expertise in marketing analytics and AI, proprietary methodologies, agile implementation, personalized service, and thought leadership, operating in a niche between boutique agencies and enterprise consultancies, with a strong reputation and key personnel driving data-driven marketing and AI innovation.

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