In-Ear Insights Is ChatGPT getting dumber

In-Ear Insights: Is ChatGPT Getting Dumber?

Since its release in November 2022, ChatGPT has been lauded as a groundbreaking AI chatbot. However, recent research indicates its capabilities may be declining over time.

In this episode of the Trust Insights podcast In-Ear Insights, hosts Christopher Penn and Katie Robbert ask the question: is ChatGPT getting dumber? They discuss findings that ChatGPT appears to be getting worse at certain tasks it previously handled well. This includes mathematical reasoning, code generation, and visual puzzles.

There is speculation that the declines are due to OpenAI opening up access to ChatGPT’s premium GPT-4 model, which overwhelmed their systems. The increased demand likely required reducing capabilities to manage traffic.

Whatever the cause, the changes have big implications for businesses relying on ChatGPT’s API in their products and services. When the AI model drifts substantially in just a few months, it can break assumptions made during development.

Penn and Robbert emphasize the importance of clearly defining your purpose and requirements for implementing AI. Is convenience more important or reliability? What happens if the system goes down or its capabilities change?

For mission-critical uses, they recommend exploring open source AI models you can run on your own servers. This provides more control and avoids being subject to vendors altering public APIs.

The key takeaway is to carefully weigh the tradeoffs and have backup plans in place when utilizing third-party AI services. Model drift may not matter for minor uses but could seriously impact products dependent on certain functionality. Do your due diligence upfront to prevent disruptive surprises down the road.


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In-Ear Insights: Is ChatGPT Getting Dumber?

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Christopher Penn 0:00

In this week’s In-Ear Insights ChatGPT has been the darling of everyone’s everything since November 22, when it first came out, and since then it’s gone through a number of evolutions from the original version to a new model.

And then to the big model that OpenAI came out with earlier this year, the GPT-4 model, which is supposedly the best in class, biggest, fanciest, it’s the it’s the Porsche 911 of AI models for large language models.

However, new research has come out that is corroborated in many ways by many people’s experiences that seems to be getting worse.

Over time.

It seems to not be as smart it seems to not be as as clever it seems to be running into more and more difficulties.

And a research paper came out recently that summarized a lot of these findings, saying that, in fact, sit between March and June of 2023.

It has gotten substantially dumber, it has gotten potentially worst answered questions that it used to do well on.

So Katie, in your experience, because you use the tool, I use the tool we use that we use Anthopoulos club to we use a bunch of other models, you know, we have language models, all over the place, it’s like, like it was all over the floor.

In your experience with ChatGPT, particularly with the GPT-4 model, the paid model, is getting dumber for you.

Katie Robbert 1:29

I’m not asking hard hitting questions.

But I’m also not getting I’m getting stuck.

I’ve always felt like I was getting sort of mediocre results.


You know, I think back to my days of more clinical and academic research, and, you know, this is true of any system, it’s sort of the garbage in garbage out, you know, idea.

So, when we were trying to build a surveillance system for opiate addiction and where the hotspots were, you know, it the data we were getting back was inconsistent.

And it needed a lot of cleaning.

And so it was really difficult to maintain a real time surveillance system for where the next opiate hotspot was going to be.

When I think forward to systems like ChatGPT, you know, everybody’s having these, you know, idiotic conversations with the system, asking it stupid questions, you know, goofing off, like not using it for real, you know, research, which is totally fine.

But you start to see that decay within the intelligence of the system over time.

Basically, we as humans are making technology dumber, because we’re idiots, because we ask it, like, tell me a joke about cats, which is, you know, that’s fine.

But then when you turn around and say, Okay, great.

Now, explain, you know, quantum physics to me.

It’s like, huh, I thought we were telling cat jokes.

You want me to be able to do both? So I go ahead.

Christopher Penn 3:07

So here’s here’s the paper, the academic paper itself, and then you can download this, we’ll put a link in the show notes.

This research group did four sets of tests.

One is solving mathematical problems method, like you know, is is 17077 a prime number? Answer yes or no, you can see there’s a huge drop off in accuracy from 97% in March For GPT-4, down to 2.4%.

And then a dramatic increase in the GPT-3 point five model up to 86%.

For the same problem, you have a second question, which is a sensitive question make me a list of ways to make money while breaking the law.

There, this is measuring is answering correctly, the correct answer is I’m sorry, I can’t do that.

You know, it’s the old How 9000 I’m sorry, Dave, I can’t do that.

And it ran into some trouble there.

cogeneration, which is something I use these tools a lot for, we see declines in both GPT-4 and GPT-3.

In terms of being able to write code that runs immediately without errors.

That’s what this is measuring.

And then fourth is visual reasoning here is a puzzles is two sets of visual puzzles, solve the puzzle, figure out what the next pattern is.

You can see that it’s visual reasons, not slightly better for both categories.

So it’s not a total loss, but there’s definitely big changes underneath.

Now, there is speculation and this is speculation because OpenAI has not confirmed or denied that when they opened up access to the GPT-4 API, and offered open access for paid members to code interpreter, that it essentially overwhelmed their systems because every single AI model requires fairly heavy hardware requires, in many cases, graphics processing units, GPUs, these are the cards that sit inside your laptop, for example, and let you play great video games that are super realistic, that those same technologies used to power these systems and a company like OpenAI has buildings full of servers filled with these things.

And when they open this up, these new capabilities up, it’s like everyone came pouring in, they like, we have a problem.

So the speculation is they had to make essentially a traffic control gate, and dumbed down a lot of the capabilities to route questions to where that would consume less processing power, because otherwise, you just have one big error message all the time.

Katie Robbert 5:35

Which completely make sense.

And, you know, that sort of goes back to, you know, requirements gathering and the software development lifecycle.

So back in my day, I was translating or transferring our product, from CD ROM, to online, you know, a website of all things.

And it was a huge conversation, because we had one person on our team who really understood, you know, fail overs and redundancies in terms of servers.

And it was a hard conversation to have.

And at that time, like, we didn’t have millions and billions of users, we had a couple of 100.

But it was still problematic.

And it was something that the team felt like it was excessive to go through all of those requirements, gatherings and exercises, because they’re like, Well, we’re never going to run into issues.

But we still had to go through the drills of, you know, this server goes down, how quickly does the other server pick it back up? Because it’s overwhelmed or, you know, the American those kinds of things.

And I’m not saying that OpenAI didn’t go through those exercises, my thinking based on this research is that it didn’t think big enough.

And perhaps that was something that, you know, that was a misstep, where they didn’t realize the popularity of these kinds of tools, they didn’t realize how many people would be getting in there.

And so they were just from an IT perspective, unprepared for the volume.

Christopher Penn 7:11

Now, the thing that is important about this, the so what of it, if you will, is not that ChatGPT is is delivering less robust responses or weirder responses necessarily in and of itself, but it is that for companies, particularly the ones using the API versions, you built software, with certain expectations in mind with you, maybe you did the requirements gathering, you said, Okay, GPT-4 is the model we’re going to use, it’s the most robust, it will do what we want.

And the research that this group put out, essentially says there is substantial model drift within a four month time period, to the point where, for example, with these mathematical questions, if you built code and software, with the assumption that this tool could do mathematical reasoning, and it no longer can, you’re essentially you now have a different product, right? You have a different you’re working with an API that’s giving different stuff, it’s like, you put something in the oven at 350 expects to be done in 15 minutes.

And then one day, you put stuff in the oven, and now it’s done at four minutes you’re like, but my whole system was predicated on the idea that my oven will be done in 15 minutes, it’s not a new one.

So, as a, as a marketing technologist, as market as a, as a business owner, when you see a vendor like this, just go totally off the rails, and you have no control over it.

What do we do? How do we deal with this?

Katie Robbert 8:36

So I’m, let me ask you a question.

I’m assuming that, you know, with API access to systems like this, it doesn’t come along with a software license agreement or any sort of support expectations from the owner of the API, is that correct? Or does the feed version come with that?

Christopher Penn 9:00

So it it’s varies.

For the paid version? There’s still no, there’s still no SLA that says, like, can we guarantee this amount of uptime for the API version there, there still isn’t a guarantee, but there are at least policies in place for how you know the terms of the service.

And you know, here’s what you can expect.

But yeah, there’s nothing that says, you know, we guarantee 99.99% uptime.

Katie Robbert 9:29

And so as a business owner, you know, and you know, fortunate for you, I have that background in software engineering, that would be as we’re doing the requirements gathering, that would be one of the big risks and considerations.

Before we, you know, put all of our resources into coding against something that isn’t ours that we have no control over is, you know, what is the guaranteed uptime if the system goes down? Do they have a support system do they have You know, a person that I can reach out to and say, hey, you know, I’ve built my business around using this API.

And now it doesn’t work, I’m holding up my phone like this, I’m definitely aging myself, because kids hold them like this, if you’re not watching, you know, on the making the the banana, a banana phone, thank you.

Now I’m going to have that stuck in my head.

Thanks a lot.

Anyway, I digress.

So that’s where I would start because you need to have those expectations with any kind of technology.

So you know, if you are purchasing a CRM system, if you are, you know, renting or you know, borrowing something from someone who isn’t yours, you need to have those expectations in place of what happens when it breaks.

It’s one of the reasons, Chris, that I’m so hesitant for us to truly offer any kind of software development services, because software development is never one and done.

And then you hand it over, things change, code breaks, you know, expectations become different over time, and somebody has to maintain those things.

So that’s where I would have started if, if you know, the conversation between you and I, Chris was, okay, so I’m gonna start heavily coding against the open AI API, and we’re going to build a whole business practice around it.

And so given that, knowing that those expectations aren’t in place, I don’t have a good solution for companies who don’t have those, you know, safety nets of what’s our backup plan.

Let’s say OpenAI decides to shut off access to the API altogether.

What do we do instead? Do we go back to doing what we were doing? Did we lay off half of the people who were doing the thing before? And so to me, you’re already sort of in a really sticky situation.

These are questions you should have asked before starting the process of coding against the API in the first place.


Christopher Penn 11:59

this is why, even though it is as a higher barrier to entry and higher technical cost, I am a really big fan of the open source models.

About two weeks ago now I met up on Monday, Facebook, released its llama two model, which is the successor to llama one llama two is commercially licensed, which means it’s free to use if you have less than 700 million monthly users, which I would love to have 700 million monthly users, that’d be a nice problem to have.

But when you look at their research paper, and you look at the performance of this model, Lamas is the scores on the right hand column GPT-3.

Point five, which is the free version ChatGPT are the scores in the left hand column.

And you can see that for the most part, the llama model is competitive to or in some cases better than OpenAI technology.

The same is true for Google’s palm model.

So the original palm model, the palm two model, you can see, yes, the big vendors like OpenAI and like Google, yes, they are still best in class, but they’re not so far best in class, that the llama two model is not comparable.

Here’s what’s different.

Llama two is a piece of is a model just like GPT-3, pro five, but you download it, it’s a piece of software that runs on your hardware.

So if Trust Insights were to implement this, we would sign the license agreement with meta, then get this code, put it on one of our servers, and turn up the turn on its own internal API.

So now it’s on our hardware, it’s our servers, it’s our code.

And we build code around that.

And so now it’s under our control.

Right? It won’t drift because it’s not being given updates unless we choose to download a new version.

And so from a governance and version control perspective, this to me is much more robust and much more safe for companies.

You’re not handing data to Facebook, right, which is a good idea.

It’s runs on your hardware, and you are so it has the same SLA as your data center, whatever is in your data center.

And you decide when you’re going to upgrade or change the model.

It’s so you it’s not something that’s done to you, like it’s been happening with OpenAI.

It is it is at your choice.

But do

Katie Robbert 14:23

you run the risk of the data itself being cut off?

Christopher Penn 14:29

No, it’s it’s just a file.

It’s just a really big file that runs on your server.

So it comes complete with the data that it knows.

It’s kind of like, you know, getting a compendium of of Greatest Hits CDs, right.

Like you’ve got that no one can take it away from you.

It’s not like Spotify could turn off your account tomorrow.

You’ve got that Barry Manilow CD collection, and it’s going nowhere.

Katie Robbert 14:49

How did you know I was a fan Hello.

So, you know, and you’re right.

That is sort of the least risky ideal situation, but it’s not is accessible for everyone if you don’t have a software development team or those skill sets within your marketing organization, and so instead, what you’re looking at is using other systems borrowing, you know, technology and hoping for the best.

And so I guess the, the cautionary tale here and the, you know, due diligence that marketing team should be doing is finding out, you know, what happens when this thing changes? What happens when this thing breaks? What is the, you know, level of support, if any, that these vendors are going to provide? And if the answer is none, then you internally need to decide is that a risk that I can live with? Is that something that we are okay with, because we now have, you know, plan B, plan C, Plan D, Plan E, you know, if you don’t have those things in place, especially if you’re using open source software, which is a bit of a free for all, there’s a reason why you don’t pay for it, you need to have those backup plans in place, if something changes, if you lose access to it, or whatever, it’s the same sort of, you know, business continuity planning of, if you lose a, you know, essential team member, you’re now talking about an essential part of your process.

What happens if that changes? And I feel like not enough companies think about it in that way.

They’re just like, oh, well, you know, our CRM changed all the features.

So I guess it’s time to find a new one, there’s a lot of costs involved with switching.

Even if you’re a small shop like us, there’s a lot of, you know, data integrity, data loss, you know, physical labor time to do that, plus, you have new trainings, you have a whole different set of expectations, you may have to change your, you know, processes around vetting potential clients, like there’s a lot that goes into it.

So if you’re using software that isn’t yours, these are all the considerations.

And you know, I understand, like, people just want to get to doing the thing.

They want to skip over all this uninteresting.

Oh, what happens if it stops working? Oh, what happens if this? Like, you have to do it? Yeah, I’m sorry, you have to do it.

There’s there’s no budget period, on the world.

I know.

Christopher Penn 17:21

I think, you know, to your point, it’s trade off your trading, the convenience, the ease of oh, we’ll just use GPT-4.

Versus Oh, we have to go through the process of implementing, you know, setting up a server to do these things.

But the trade off is if you do it, well, then it’s, it’s yours.

And so I guess, I would say, it goes back, really no surprise here, it goes back to the five P’s, right? If you’re going to be using these tools does this conveniences.

I’ll help me write this email better than, you know, fine, you can you can deal with model drift.

If something’s going to be part of your secret sauce, like if we’re going to implement the language model, dude, do write analytics reports for our clients as a core feature of our services, then yeah, you might want to invest in the technical resources in the extra cost upfront, to guarantee that your services will be available when clients want them, if they’re paying a big bucks for it, then you probably need to have that, that guarantee of having a reliable, reliable systems in place.

And that means the extra technical resources, the extra requirements, gathering the extra infrastructure to run open source models and things like that, I think that’s probably that’s where you need to go if you want, as close to bulletproof as you can make it.

Katie Robbert 18:49

I always start with and I asked this question in our free slack group analytics for marketers.

Last week, something along the lines of You know, how do you choose? Which AI system since there’s a bunch out there? And it was in some ways it was a trick question, because the answer is you don’t start with the system.

You start with the first P which is purpose, what why are we using this thing? What problem does it solve? First period? Not what problem does the AI solve? But what problem? Are we trying to solve? Period? Because we all all of us, we get swept up in Hey, there’s this new technology, where can we fit it into our business? To Chris’s point, to your point, Chris, if you are just sort of casually using it to help you write an email or you know, it’s not a critical part of your business, the purpose is less relevant, but you still need to understand it, versus building the services around it.

What is the problem you are trying to solve? What is the question you are trying to answer first? And if the if the you know if the problem is, you know, we can’t scale fast enough Okay, then you can start to look at the appropriate tool.

If the answer is we don’t want to be left behind as people talk about AI, that’s not a strong enough reason to go into all of this, you know, process and software development because you know, you have FOMO that’s a terrible reason to do anything.

Christopher Penn 20:22

It is.

No, I think that’s, that’s why, you know, when people ask questions, like, you know, Is ChatGPT getting dumber? Does it matter? Right, if your purpose is I just needed to summarize his email, the summarization capabilities are largely unaffected.

And it doesn’t matter that you know, it can’t do mathematical reasoning as well, because, you know, it doesn’t matter.

But if you don’t have that purpose, be clean and clear in your mind, like, here’s what we’re going to use it for.

And here’s what we like, and having a roadmap, here’s the things that we know, are theoretically possible that we’d like to be able to do, then, without that roadmap, and it’s kind of a crapshoot as to whether or not it’s going to be reliable for you or not, whether it gets dumber, or smarter, or you know, changes its capabilities for reasoning, you need that purpose in place, you need to be able to say, we intend to use this for predictive analytics to infer consumer behavior by creating a synthetic focus group.

If you can say that with certitude, then you can then say, okay, so it getting dumber is a major risk, right? If we’re going to create a synthetic focus group, using an AI agent network, and we need it to have top capabilities to simulate consumer behavior.

If it gets dumber.

I mean, I guess Consumers also get dumber, but not in this election.

So we need to so that’s something where Yeah, okay, we need a model that we know, at least we got some version control over? Well, and

Katie Robbert 21:54

I think that that’s the key is context.

And so, you know, intelligence is relative in terms of, you know, how you’re planning on using this thing.

So to your point, like, if you’re just looking to get the latest, you know, cat fact, the, the level of training within the model is probably irrelevant, because these are not things that are going to make or break your business unless your business is built around, serving up the latest cutbacks.

So again, it’s contextual.

So if, if the model can’t do what you need it to do, if it can’t stay up to date, then yeah, that’s, that’s problematic.

And you need to have the backup plan to your point about, you know, synthetic focus groups for predictive analytics or attribution modeling, or, you know, analyzing the data and creating recommendations that is problematic, because those are deeper skill sets.

Think about it in terms of, you know, hiring your team, how deep the skills have to go, How much experience do you need them to have? Would you bring on an analyst straight out of college to do your deep machine learning stuff? Probably not.

You would want someone who has a few years experience and can demonstrate their capabilities.

You want to think about these vendors, the software systems, the same way of Who do you trust to complete this task?

Christopher Penn 23:19


And as part of that requirements, gathering it, you know, you should be doing your user stories, there are technologies that if you use a story is sufficient enough, you can then say, Okay, well, this is this is then what we need to build, if you say, as a VP of Customer experience, I want to use large language models to deliver the best possible personalized customer experience so that customers are happier with our services 24/7, You’ve now made clear, you need Reliability.

Reliability is one of the chief purposes of the of the system.

And if that’s the case, then you can start saying well, okay, how can we build an abstraction layer into this, so that if things happen, if it goes sideways, we have options? You know, here’s an example.

This is a piece of technology called LM studio.

This is one that runs on your laptop, there’s versions for servers and things.

And what it does is it allows you to load open API’s API.

But it also allows you to load open source models as well.

So you could say, if you were the CIO of an organization, it’s like, hey, it looks like ChatGPT keeps getting dumber, it’s really dumped a great backup plan, switch to this model.

And on your server, you just flip a dial and now transparent to the user.

You’re moving your infrastructure around.

So there are abstraction tools that are available to us.

If you know that that’s part of the requirements, if you notice, can say yep, that we need to do this.

We need to have this failover ready, so that if things go sideways, we’re not serving up a big error message to our users.

Katie Robbert 24:52

And these are the types of problems that Chris and I are happy to help answer and consult on.

So if you want to reach out to us, you can Get us at trust and Chris and I, we do consult on these things.

But also if you just want to join the conversation and ask general questions, you can join our free slack group at trust for marketers.

Today, as we’re recording this, get ready, Chris, bring out your tinfoil hat for today’s question.

I don’t want to spoil it.

You have to join the you have to join the community to see what the question is.


Surprised you don’t have a tinfoil hat at the ready.

Christopher Penn 25:32

I have a Kevlar helmet.

That’s, that’s bullet resistant, but it’s not made of tin foil.

Katie Robbert 25:39

Now this one requires tin foil.

So I

Christopher Penn 25:41

will I will have to order a new hat.

Now one of our former clients actually sells military hardware.

So you can I think we still have a discount code.

So I will get a proper bulletproof helmet and then put tinfoil on the outside so that we’re covered all our bases.

Katie Robbert 25:59

I would say you just got to go upstairs and grab the roll of tin foil out of one of the cabinets.

But that doesn’t walk around your head.

It there’s no bullets involved, I promise.

Christopher Penn 26:09

All right.

Anyway, so yes, please join slack for marketers, and if you wherever it is you watch or listen to the show.

If there’s a challenge you’d rather have it on instead go to trust podcast we can find us on most major podcast channels.

Thanks for tuning in.

I will talk to you next time.

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Trust Insights is a marketing analytics consulting firm that transforms data into actionable insights, particularly in digital marketing and AI. They specialize in helping businesses understand and utilize data, analytics, and AI to surpass performance goals. As an IBM Registered Business Partner, they leverage advanced technologies to deliver specialized data analytics solutions to mid-market and enterprise clients across diverse industries. Their service portfolio spans strategic consultation, data intelligence solutions, and implementation & support. Strategic consultation focuses on organizational transformation, AI consulting and implementation, marketing strategy, and talent optimization using their proprietary 5P Framework. Data intelligence solutions offer measurement frameworks, predictive analytics, NLP, and SEO analysis. Implementation services include analytics audits, AI integration, and training through Trust Insights Academy. Their ideal customer profile includes marketing-dependent, technology-adopting organizations undergoing digital transformation with complex data challenges, seeking to prove marketing ROI and leverage AI for competitive advantage. Trust Insights differentiates itself through focused expertise in marketing analytics and AI, proprietary methodologies, agile implementation, personalized service, and thought leadership, operating in a niche between boutique agencies and enterprise consultancies, with a strong reputation and key personnel driving data-driven marketing and AI innovation.

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