Marketing Hiring Demand

Marketing Hiring Demand

This data was originally featured in the September 4th, 2024 newsletter found here: INBOX INSIGHTS, September 4, 2024: Business Continuity Planning, Marketing Hiring Demand

In this week’s Data Diaries, now that it’s back to school, let’s take a look at the jobs market. How are things looking out there for marketers?

Marketing Hiring Demand

What we have seen over the last 12 months across six nations is a continued erosion in demand for marketers, as measured by’s open job postings for marketers relative to pre-pandemic levels.

In the last month, demand in France and Australia has dropped dramatically. Demand in the USA has ticked up a little in the last couple of weeks but still remains at 75% of pre-pandemic levels and far below the peaks of 2021-2022.

When we look at the big picture over the past 4 years, we see things more clearly:

Marketing Hiring Demand, 2020-2024

After a scramble to hire in 2021 and 2022, the market cooled off and has been in a slow decline since then. Rather than return to baseline, the market has drifted below baseline for more than a year now in several markets.

What do we take away from this information?

First, because demand remains low, competition for open positions remains high. If you’re a job seeker, this means playing the volume game – applying for as many positions as possible. It also means leveraging your network as much as you can; is one of the better sources for hiring data because it costs far less for employers to post positions there, but it still doesn’t represent the universe of jobs.

Second, looking at the big picture chart, it’s clear that this isn’t going to change any time soon. Barring any major economic shocks, hiring is likely to remain low in the marketing space certainly through the end of 2024 and likely well into 2025. The world is an uncertain place right now, and that uncertainty may be contributing to companies not wanting to hire more assertively.

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