In-Ear Insights: How to Build an AI Strategy

In this episode of In-Ear Insights, the Trust Insights podcast, Katie and Chris discuss how to build an AI strategy. Discover why focusing on AI as a strategy is misguided and what you should do instead to achieve meaningful business outcomes. You’ll learn how to identify the actual problems you need to solve and how […]

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Instant Insights The Beginners Generative AI Starter Kit 27

Using Analytics With AI

This data was originally featured in the April 17th, 2024 newsletter found here: INBOX INSIGHTS, APRIL 17, 2024: THE PROMPT ENGINEERING LIFE CYCLE, USING ANALYTICS WITH AI In this week’s Data Diaries, let’s talk about using analytics with AI. We’ve all collectively spent the last 18 months foaming at the mouth about generative AI – […]

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So What? The Prompt Engineering Life Cycle

So What? Marketing Analytics and Insights Live airs every Thursday at 1 pm EST. You can watch on YouTube Live. Be sure to subscribe and follow so you never miss an episode!   In this week’s episode of So What? what is the prompt engineering life cycle, the relation to SDLC, and the best practices for […]

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INBOX INSIGHTS, April 17, 2024: The Prompt Engineering Life Cycle, Using Analytics with AI

INBOX INSIGHTS: The Prompt Engineering Life Cycle, Using Analytics with AI (4/17) :: View in browser 👉 How to Assess Your AI Readiness: 5 Considerations for Businesses is now available to watch! Prompt Engineering Life Cycle This week, Chris asked if I could speak about how prompt engineering fits into the software development life cycle […]

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In-Ear Insights Prompt Development Life Cycle

In-Ear Insights: Prompt Development Life Cycle

In this week’s In-Ear Insights, Katie and Chris discuss how the software development life cycle (SDLC) applies to prompt engineering in generative AI, why the prompt development life cycle (or prompt engineering life cycle) is a good idea, and a real-life application of it. Watch the video here: Can’t see anything? Watch it on YouTube […]

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In-Ear Insights 4 Power Questions to Ask Generative AI Language Models

In-Ear Insights: 4 Power Questions to Ask Generative AI Language Models

In this week’s In-Ear Insights, Katie and Chris review the new Trust Insights PARE Framework and 4 power questions to ask generative AI language models when you’re working with them. These four questions will dramatically improve the performance of generative AI. Get the free download, no strings attached, at: Watch the video here: Can’t […]

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Instant Insights The Beginners Generative AI Starter Kit 23

Generative AI Language Tasks

This data was originally featured in the April 3rd, 2024 newsletter found here: INBOX INSIGHTS, APRIL 4, 2024: AI DATA GOVERNANCE, GENERATIVE AI LANGUAGE TASKS In this week’s Data Diaries, let’s go over an important distinction about generative AI, large language models, and language tasks. One of the pieces of advice we regularly follow is […]

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So What? How To Use Generative AI To Audit Content Marketing

So What? Marketing Analytics and Insights Live airs every Thursday at 1 pm EST. You can watch on YouTube Live. Be sure to subscribe and follow so you never miss an episode! On this week’s So What? we talk about how to build and grow your content by using Generative AI to the best of it’s […]

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