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{PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: What Is Machine Learning?

In this week’s episode of In-Ear Insights, join cofounders Katie Robbert and Christopher Penn as they tackle the basics of machine learning and artificial intelligence. What is machine learning? How is it different from artificial intelligence? What are good and bad use cases of machine learning? Listen in as they tackle these questions and many […]

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Top Resources for AI, Data Science, and Machine Learning for Marketers

A question I’m asked almost daily now is, “what are the best resources for getting started with data science, machine learning, and AI, especially for marketers?” This list will be updated from time to time as new resources become available, but the basics should remain relatively stable. What Order to Learn In We recommend the […]

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Encouraging Voter Participation: Deep Dive into 2016 Census Data

At Trust Insights, one of our core values is, “We are cooperative and aware.” When we consider what invites change in government, the single greatest factor is voter participation. Regardless of political or ideological affiliation, encouraging more citizens to actively participate/cooperate in the political process is a worthy aim. Why don’t more people vote? Fortunately, […]

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{PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: What Are The Skills of a Data Scientist?

In this episode of In-Ear Insights, listen as co-founders Katie Robbert and Christopher Penn discuss the skills of a modern data scientist. What should a modern data scientist be able to do? Who is cut out to be a data scientist? What are the foundational skills people should learn who want to pursue data science? […]

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{PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: What is Data Science?

In this episode of In-Ear Insights, listen as CEO Katie Robbert and Christopher Penn discuss the ins and outs of data science, answering questions such as: What is data science? What does a data scientist do? What isn’t data science? What’s the difference between data analytics and data science? The data science lifecycle Discussed in […]

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Marketing Insights Q&A: How will AI change social media?

Marketing Insights Q&A: How will AI change social media management in the next two to five years? We have no way of knowing exactly what’s going to happen in the next two to five years in AI. We had no idea in 2015, that shortly thereafter, in less than 18 months, deep mind would be […]

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Impact Of The Great Twitter Bot Purge on Elected Officials

Over the past few weeks, Twitter announced it was taking action to not only reduce the number of bots and spammy accounts on the service, but would be deleting accounts that were clearly non-human. As part of that announcement, they estimated that up to 6% of all Twitter accounts would be affected and all human […]

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Marketing automation using R Studio: part 1

Marketers have so much on their plates these days. They are expected to be a jack-of-all-trades and an expert at all things. You can’t fix how big your workload is but you can find ways to make your job a little easier. What would you do with your time if you could use automation for […]

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Encouraging Voter Registration : Deep Dive into 2016 Census Data

At Trust Insights, one of our core values is, “We are cooperative and aware.” When we consider what invites change in government, the single greatest factor is voter participation. Regardless of political or ideological affiliation, encouraging more citizens to become aware of and actively participate/cooperate in the political process is a worthy aim. Why don’t […]

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Avoiding Kennel Cough with Predictive Analytics

For those who observe, we wish you a safe, happy, healthy Fourth of July week. In the spirit of keeping things a little lighter as people travel and vacation, we thought we’d turn our attention to a problem dog owners face every year: kennel cough. When do people search for kennel cough the most? Of […]

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