The Importance of Tag Memes for Understanding Social Networks

The Importance of Tag Memes for Understanding Social Networks

This past week, our CEO Katie Robbert said, “can we be done with the “something about me and tag five people” on twitter thing? it’s really annoying now“. If you’re unfamiliar with the reference, there’s a Twitter meme where you share 5 jobs you’ve held, and then tag 5 people: These tag memes at first […]

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{PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: Predictive Analytics for Unpredictable Events

In this episode of In-Ear Insights, Katie and Chris respond to a listener question: how valid are predictive analytics forecasts when you’re in the middle of massively unpredictable events? How do you deal with the anomalies of a black swan event, and how do you tell the difference between an anomaly and a breakout (continuing […]

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{PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: Data-Driven B2B Marketing Personas

In this week’s In-Ear Insights, Katie and Chris answer a mailbag question from Denise: “My question is about UX copywriting. Other than using a service like “,” how do I know which words and phrases influence a specific buyer persona? Which words or CTAs influence a 35-year-old CTO male who makes craft beers on the […]

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{PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: Data Science 101 at #SMMW20

In this episode of In-Ear Insights, you’ll enjoy the Data Science 101 session at Social Media Marketing World given by Chris. An off-the-books speaker meetup talk, this is the first time this content has been shown publicly, and due to A/V issues, the slides were hand draw and can be found below. Enjoy the workshop! […]

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{PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: Should You Be a Data Scientist?

In this episode of In-Ear Insights, Katie and Chris discuss whether or not you need data science skills to be an effective marketer. Find out the answer, plus why machines won’t be taking your job any time soon, as well as some helpful tips for growing your marketing analytics skills. Mentioned in the show: Hugging […]

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Content Marketing World Twitter Chat_ Data Science 101, Video Edition

Twitter Chat: Data Science 101, Video Edition from Content Marketing World

I had the pleasure and privilege of being the guest subject matter expert for Content Marketing World’s Twitter chat on data science 101, and the questions were so good, they deserved longer answers than just a handful of tweets. If you want to read the chat as it happened, you’ll find the original tweets here. […]

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When Vital Marketing Analytics Data Goes Missing

When Vital Marketing Analytics Data Goes Missing

What happens when a vital data point, a vital data source, goes missing? In the world of marketing analytics, this isn’t uncommon, but the consequences can be dire. Why Marketing Analytics Data Goes Missing Marketing analytics data tends to go missing for one of two major reasons. The first reason is instrument failure: a tracking […]

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The Death of the Citizen Data Scientist

The Death of the Citizen Data Scientist

For years, companies big and small in the analytics, data science, and machine learning space have been advocating for the citizen data scientist. I’m sad to say that the concept is more or less dead. What is a Citizen Data Scientist? As far back as 2015, IBM (disclosure: Trust Insights is an IBM Business Partner) […]

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{PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: Marketing Analytics Skills and Techniques

In this week’s In-Ear Insights, Katie and Chris discuss marketing analytics skills and techniques. Why don’t more people use their data? Why are analytics and data science skills so siloed and so under-utilized in organizations? From examples using Chinese food menus and restaurants to dealing with confused C-Suite people, you’ll learn how to start breaking […]

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12 Days of Data, Day 1: Facebook Brand Engagement Statistics for Unpaid Content

Introduction Welcome to the 12 Days of Data, our look back at the data that made marketing in 2019. We’re looking at the year that was from an analytics perspective to see what insights we can take into the next year and decade. Sit up, get your coffee ready, and let’s celebrate some data. Facebook […]

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