Anti-LGBTQ+ Hate Crime Data, 2023 Edition

Anti-LGBTQ+ Hate Crime Data, 2023 Edition

Part of Pride Month is acknowledging that while American society has come a long way towards accepting lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender, and queer folks, there’s still a long way to go and a lot of work for all of us to do. As important as it is to celebrate diversity in things like sexual orientation […]

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In-Ear Insights: Three Necessities for a New Business

In this week’s In-Ear Insights, Katie and Chris explore the three necessities for starting a new business. What three things, if you had to start over from scratch, would you need to make your business successful? You’ll learn what those necessities are, why they matter, and how to apply them to your business, whether it’s […]

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The risks of a personality test

This content was originally features in our February 22, 2023 newsletter found here: Do you know yourself well enough to say what your personality type is? Maybe a better question is asking whether or not you’ve ever taken a personality test, or used one to make decisions about your team. If you answered yes […]

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INBOX INSIGHTS, March 15, 2023: Happy Fifth Birthday, Trust Insights

INBOX INSIGHTS: Happy Fifth Birthday, Trust Insights (3/15) :: View in browser 👉 Take our Measurement Strategies for Agencies course now for free! Five years of Trust Insights – Lessons Learned (Almost) On this day, five years ago, I sat in my quiet house, stared at my laptop and then…nothing. I had no idea what […]

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{PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: Do You Need Ego To Be Successful?

{PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: Do You Need Ego To Be Successful?

In this episode, Katie and Chris tackle a question from a recent conference. An agency CEO asked whether or not a leader needed ego to be successful, particularly when they observed their competitors being bold and brash and also being more successful. Dig into our answers and find out whether ego is a help or […]

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Anti-LGBTQ+ Hate Crime Data, 2022 Edition

Anti-LGBTQ+ Hate Crime Data, 2022 Edition

Part of Pride Month is acknowledging that while American society has come a long way towards accepting lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender, and queer folks, there’s still a long way to go and a lot of work for all of us to do. In particular, over the past 10 years we’ve seen some disturbing trends in […]

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female guest

What NOT to ask a female guest on your podcast

In honor of International Women’s Day 2021, John and Katie wanted to partner up on a blog post and walk through some do’s and don’t of interviewing a female guest on your podcast.  Katie, a female, has frequently been asked the same questions over and over that provide no value to an interview.  John, a […]

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{PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: Leadership Models and Roles

In this episode of In-Ear Insights, Katie and Chris discuss leadership: what is it, what models exist for it, and how should we think about it? We discuss the different types of power and what balance we should be seeking while in leadership roles. [podcastsponsor] Watch the video here: Can’t see anything? Watch it on […]

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