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Marketing Insights Q&A: How to build a strategy for AI?

As part of the “Win with AI” summit I attended recently, we want to talk about creating an AI strategy. How do you how do you put together a strategy for introducing artificial intelligence? Full disclosure, I have an IBM champion and my company Trust Insights is a registered IBM Business Partner. Any purchases you make […]

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Marketing Insights Q&A: Left Brain or Right Brain

Should marketers focus on developing left brain or right brain skills? Should they focus on analytics or creativity?  Neither are focus areas. Typically, you can’t be one or the other exclusively. Most people are a combination of both. These are the attributes and characteristics of the person rather than the skills they have developed. Some […]

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Marketing Insights Q&A: Social Media for Small Business

We were asked: “How is a small business supposed to post five or more times a day? How does a small business or solo practitioner even come up with that much content?” This is a really good question because it’s a couple of different questions packed into one. Posting Schedule First, the idea that there […]

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Marketing Insights Q&A: Google Tag Manager and Analytics

We were asked: Is there ever a reason to use Google Analytics tracking codes separate from Google Tag Manager, or should they always be together? Google Tag Manager should always be the way we deliver Google Analytics, without exception. For a brief period in 2016, we needed to separate them with the Accelerated Mobile Pages […]

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Marketing Insights Q&A: How to start a podcast?

Genevieve asks, “What tips would you give to someone wanting to start a podcast?” Having been a podcaster since 2005, I have so many. To keep it simple we’ll focus on the best practices. There are 10 basic best practices that are important for starting a podcast and doing it well for your business: Have clear, […]

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Marketing Insights Q&A: How will AI change social media?

Marketing Insights Q&A: How will AI change social media management in the next two to five years? We have no way of knowing exactly what’s going to happen in the next two to five years in AI. We had no idea in 2015, that shortly thereafter, in less than 18 months, deep mind would be […]

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Marketing Insights Q&A: Where do I get started learning marketing analytics?

Marketing Insights Q&A: Where do I get started learning marketing analytics? We get this question and its variants, like “how to learn marketing analytics” often. There are three sets of content to pay attention to when learning marketing analytics: courses, books, and blogs. Courses will help you build a foundation of knowledge, books will help […]

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Marketing Insights Q&A: Google Data Studio Best Practices

Before we get into best practices for building a Google Data Studio dashboard, let’s quickly review what Data Studio is, what it isn’t, and how to construct a dashboard. What Data Studio Is Google’s Data Studio makes dashboards. That’s the simplest way to put it. Marketers use dashboards as a quick way to display a […]

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Marketing Insights Q&A: Digital Channel Strategy

Welcome to another Marketing Insights Q&A. Today’s question we’re answering is: Does every brand have to have a presence on all the digital channels, or does it have the liberty to choose a few? Example, should we invest in social media, search engine marketing, search optimization, video marketing etc. at the same time? Two answers to […]

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