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So What? How to get started with Data Portability

So What? Marketing Analytics and Insights Live airs every Thursday at 1 pm EST. You can watch on YouTube Live. Be sure to subscribe and follow so you never miss an episode!   In this week’s episode of So What? we go through the importance of data portability, assessing your vendor, and the set up process. […]

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Instant Insights The Beginners Generative AI Starter Kit 24

AI Data Governance

This data was originally featured in the April 3rd, 2024 newsletter found here: INBOX INSIGHTS, APRIL 4, 2024: AI DATA GOVERNANCE, GENERATIVE AI LANGUAGE TASKS HOW GOOD IS YOUR DATA GOVERNANCE? Last week, Harvard Business Review asked the question, “Is your company’s data ready for Generative AI?” Because I work with a variety of clients, […]

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Instant Insights The Beginners Generative AI Starter Kit 23

Generative AI Language Tasks

This data was originally featured in the April 3rd, 2024 newsletter found here: INBOX INSIGHTS, APRIL 4, 2024: AI DATA GOVERNANCE, GENERATIVE AI LANGUAGE TASKS In this week’s Data Diaries, let’s go over an important distinction about generative AI, large language models, and language tasks. One of the pieces of advice we regularly follow is […]

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Instant Insights The Beginners Generative AI Starter Kit 22

The 5P Framework

This data was originally featured in the March 27th, 2024 newsletter found here: INBOX INSIGHTS, MARCH 27, 2024: THE 5P FRAMEWORK, AI CONTENT GAP ANALYSIS THE 5P FRAMEWORK – WHERE IT BEGAN Last week I had the realization that a lot of us come to – just because I know something well doesn’t mean everyone […]

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In-Ear Insights Content Supply Chain Management

In-Ear Insights: Content Supply Chain Management

In this episode of In-Ear Insights, the Trust Insights podcast, Katie and Chris discuss what the term “content supply chain” really means. You’ll learn whether this buzzword can improve your content creation process. Discover how to use both people and technology to create an efficient content workflow. Find out if the “content supply chain” delivers […]

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So What? How to Identify Marketing Opportunities

So What? Marketing Analytics and Insights Live airs every Thursday at 1 pm EST. You can watch on YouTube Live. Be sure to subscribe and follow so you never miss an episode!   In this week’s episode of So What? Katie, Chris, and John walk through the best ways to use generative AI to find marketing […]

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Instant Insights The Beginners Generative AI Starter Kit 18

Ideal Customer Profiles

This content was originally featured in the March 6th, 2024 newsletter found here: INBOX INSIGHTS, MARCH 6, 2024: IDEAL CUSTOMER PROFILES, GA4 GENERATIVE AI USING GENERATIVE AI TO BUILD YOUR IDEAL CUSTOMER PROFILE (ICP) My brain is buzzing and my head is spinning. Chris and I have been using Generative AI for the past two […]

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So What? Updating your Media Kit

So What? Marketing Analytics and Insights Live airs every Thursday at 1 pm EST. You can watch on YouTube Live. Be sure to subscribe and follow so you never miss an episode!   In this week’s episode of So What? Updating your media kit! We’ll discuss the basics of a media kit, why they’re important, the […]

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In-Ear Insights Generative AI And Lead Generation

In-Ear Insights: Generative AI And Lead Generation

In this week’s In-Ear Insights, Katie and Chris examine the use of generative AI and lead generation. How do you use generative AI to improve lead generation? How do you build an ideal customer profile with generative AI? Tune in for step by step details! Watch the video here: Can’t see anything? Watch it on […]

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Generative AI for Marketers

This content was originally featured in the December 13th, 2023 newsletter found here: INBOX INSIGHTS, DECEMBER 13, 2023: GENERATIVE AI FOR MARKETERS, 12 DAYS OF DATA Generative AI for Marketers Each week I try to talk you through some kind of problem and solution. This week, I only have solutions to share with you! AI has […]

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