Recycling and Upcycling Content Marketing

Recycling and Upcycling Content Marketing

In the wake of our recent webinar and AMA on content marketing and AI, one of the persistent questions folks have is, “well, what if I don’t have access to sophisticated AI tools to generate content at scale? How can I compete?”. This is a perfectly valid question, and the answer is recycling and upcycling […]

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{PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: Evaluating New Technologies

Based on a question from our analytics community, in this episode of In-Ear Insights, Katie and Chris tackle the challenges of new technology. When a new piece of technology makes a big splash, how do we evaluate it? How should we assess whether it’s right for us, whether it makes sense to pursue it? What […]

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Email Marketing Strategy and Insights_ Your Email List Has Decayed 25% in 7 Weeks

Email Marketing Strategy and Insights: Your Email List Has Decayed 25% in 7 Weeks

Here’s a straightforward email marketing insight: if you’re a B2B marketer who operates in or targets the United States, chances are, your email list is severely damaged. In the last 7 weeks in the United States, unemployment claims totaled more than 33.5 million. For context, the total employed population in the United States is approximately […]

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The Importance of Tag Memes for Understanding Social Networks

The Importance of Tag Memes for Understanding Social Networks

This past week, our CEO Katie Robbert said, “can we be done with the “something about me and tag five people” on twitter thing? it’s really annoying now“. If you’re unfamiliar with the reference, there’s a Twitter meme where you share 5 jobs you’ve held, and then tag 5 people: These tag memes at first […]

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Lessons from an accidental community manager 2

{PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: Building Better Analytics Dashboards at #MPB2B

In this week’s In-Ear Insights, we present the full session audio from our talk at the MarketingProfs B2B Forum 2019 on how to build better analytics dashboards and reports with data storytelling and analytics frameworks. Listen in for key principles, and if you’d like to get the slides and video from this talk, they’re available […]

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social media marketing strategy 1

Blended Listening: An Essential Digital Marketing Analytics Technique for 2020

As the year winds down and we march towards 2020 (and cue all the vision/2020 puns that unclever businesses will likely concoct, coming to a corporate strategy Powerpoint near you), one of the trends we’ve spotted in audience habits is the trend towards private, “velvet-rope” communities. We dug into this trend in-depth in our Social […]

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social media marketing strategy 7

Don’t Be Fooled. What You Need to Know About Integrations…

When working with our customers at Trust Insights we all get very excited about things like driver analysis (figuring out exactly what’s working and what to do more of) and predictive analytics (beating out your competitors by having a better view of what’s coming in the future). For better or worse, the prerequisite for doing […]

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social media marketing strategy 8

#INBOUND19 and #CMWorld 2019: A Visualized Data Recap

One of the biggest weeks in marketing events is over as INBOUND and Content Marketing World (CMWORLD) come to a close. Rather than rehash the common themes of both events, we thought it appropriate to analyze audience reactions to both. Let’s see both events by the numbers. Conference Attendance INBOUND cites a rough estimated attendance […]

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What is First Party Data Second Party Data and Third Party Data 10

Attribution Part 2: Source Codes and Reconciliation

This is the second part in a series on attribution. For an explanation of what attribution is, start out with Part 1 here. Ok, now that you know what Attribution is, this post will show you how to get started. This is where most companies should begin if they are currently not doing anything. Usually […]

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What is First Party Data Second Party Data and Third Party Data 12

{PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: Combatting the Summer Slowdown

In this episode of In-Ear Insights, Katie and Chris talk the summer slowdown, the time of year when B2B marketers face ever-increasing out of office autoreplies and campaign performance historically drops. What should you do as a marketer during the known slow periods? Options discussed on the show include: Training and professional development Backlog creation […]

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