Instant Insights The Beginners Generative AI Starter Kit 4

Creating an AI task force in your business

This content was originally featured in the January 17th, 2024 newsletter found here:INBOX INSIGHTS, JANUARY 17, 2024: AI TASK FORCE, RED TEAMING CUSTOM GPTS, PART 2 CREATING AN AI TASK FORCE IN YOUR BUSINESS You don’t need another meeting, another committee, and another task force. 99% of the time, committees get in the way of […]

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INBOX INSIGHTS, February 9, 2023: Technical Continuity Planning, Twitter Scraping

INBOX INSIGHTS: Technical Continuity Planning, Twitter Scraping (2/8) :: View in browser 👉 Take our Measurement Strategies for Agencies course now for free! February 2023 One Click Poll Please click/tap on just one answer – this is our monthly survey to see how we’re doing, so please do take it each month! How likely are […]

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Wont somebody think of the people

Won’t somebody think of the people?!

This week, we’re talking about the unsung heroes of Marketing and Data Science. The people! We cover it from the perspective of data analytics on the podcast and talk about who needs to execute your marketing on the Livestream. We spend so much time on the strategy, the tools, and the outcomes that we tend […]

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Marketing Planning – a different approach

We’re about a week and a half out from US Thanksgiving (as I write this). I assume you’re knee-deep in planning mode. You’re planning your menu. You’re planning for any travel. And on top of that, you’re planning your 2022 marketing strategy. Right? I’m not. It’s not that I’m not thinking about what I want […]

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{PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: Budgeting Appropriately for Marketing Strategy

In this week’s In-Ear Insights, we answer a question from Janine about budgeting for a marketing strategy. She asked at a recent webinar who asked how to persuade decision-makers to invest in a more comprehensive marketing program. We talk through some conceptual frameworks to help marketers and executives understand different levels of investment needed to […]

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Elastic and Inelastic Demand

This content first appeared in INBOX INSIGHTS on June 2, 2021:   One of the aspects of the pandemic that we don’t consider enough as marketers is whether our demand is elastic or inelastic. First, let’s define what this means. Elasticity in demand is changes in demand based on things like supply and availability, price, consumer tastes, […]

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{PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: Marketing Planning for 2021

In this episode of In-Ear Insights, Katie and Chris tackle the task of planning your marketing strategy for 2021. For good or ill, companies are beginning to set marketing strategy and marketing objectives for the year ahead. In an age of complete uncertainty, how do we build a reasonable marketing plan for the year ahead? […]

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How to predict the second half of 2020?

Right now, forecasting and predicting anything further out than a few weeks is a fool’s errand for the most part. Here’s just a sample of what’s currently in play that could severely disrupt any marketing/business forecast: The pandemic, still in its early stages Those afflicted by long-term health consequences from the pandemic, about 20% of […]

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Do nothing with your marketing

Plan to do nothing with your marketing

What are your three plans? In many conversations about planning, we often talk about the different types of plans we’ll need to account for various outcomes. My favorite style of planning is the three plans: Best case scenario Worst case scenario Most probable scenario This seemingly straightforward planning framework fits a normal distribution – a […]

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Our Three words for 2020

Our three words for 2020

New Year, New You. Right? It’s the time for fresh starts and promises to be better. A smarter way to approach the new year, especially for a marketing analytics company, is not with resolutions but with words – three to be exact. Chris Brogan started this exercise back in 2006 and, for Trust Insights, it […]

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