The unaware audience 12

How Much Do Hashtags Matter on Facebook and Instagram?

One of the perennial questions asked by social media marketers is, how much do hashtags matter? Should we use them? How many? After all, we’ve all see Instagram posts that are #unreadable #because #of #how #many #hashtags #are #crammed #into #the #post. Is this effective? The first question we have to ask is, what’s the […]

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Instagram Influencer Marketing: Engagement Rates Drop

Instagram’s engagement rates dropped precipitously this week as a result of an API change. Using our in-house analytics software, we examined the likes, comments, and account sizes of the top 500 most-followed accounts on Instagram over the last 3 months to see how the December 11 API change is impacting the most popular accounts. For […]

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{PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: Instagram Influencer Marketing in 2019

In this episode of In-Ear Insights, Katie Robbert and Christopher Penn discuss the hottest forecasted marketing trend of 2019: Instagram Influencer Marketing. Learn how the Trust Insights team identified this trend, what tools, techniques, and technologies we recommend for working with Instagram, how the new API changes will impact influencers, and so much more. httpv:// […]

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Marketing Insights Q&A: How To Do A Social Media Audit

How do you do a proper social media audit? There are a lot of steps to a properly done, well constructed social media audit. However, the function of a social media audit is simple. The purpose is to find out what’s working with your social media programs so you can continually improve. The components of […]

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Marketing Insights Q&A: Social Media for Small Business

We were asked: “How is a small business supposed to post five or more times a day? How does a small business or solo practitioner even come up with that much content?” This is a really good question because it’s a couple of different questions packed into one. Posting Schedule First, the idea that there […]

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Are you using your demographic data 8

Marketing Insights Q&A: How will AI change social media?

Marketing Insights Q&A: How will AI change social media management in the next two to five years? We have no way of knowing exactly what’s going to happen in the next two to five years in AI. We had no idea in 2015, that shortly thereafter, in less than 18 months, deep mind would be […]

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Are you using your demographic data 6

{PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: Cats and Dogs of Pet Influencer Marketing

In today’s episode of the In-Ear Insights podcast, we look at the power of pets – namely, dog and cat petfluencers. We dig into: What is an influencer? Why dogs make better influencers than cats when it comes to costumes. How to think about pet influencers, including analytics to assess. Tactical takeaways, such as where […]

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Are you using your demographic data 7

Impact Of The Great Twitter Bot Purge on Elected Officials

Over the past few weeks, Twitter announced it was taking action to not only reduce the number of bots and spammy accounts on the service, but would be deleting accounts that were clearly non-human. As part of that announcement, they estimated that up to 6% of all Twitter accounts would be affected and all human […]

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Are you using your demographic data 8

Marketing automation using R Studio: part 1

Marketers have so much on their plates these days. They are expected to be a jack-of-all-trades and an expert at all things. You can’t fix how big your workload is but you can find ways to make your job a little easier. What would you do with your time if you could use automation for […]

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Are you using your demographic data 4

Analysis of 6 Months of Political Posts on Facebook

At Trust Insights, we like to see what’s hiding in the data. While much is made of how services like Facebook may have political outcomes, not as much is made of how participants on these services send and receive information. We decided to take a look under the hood. Author’s note: please keep any discussion […]

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