The unaware audience 19

{PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: The Great Instagram Hashtag Debate

In today’s episode of In-Ear Insights, Katie Robbert and Christopher Penn debate the Trust Insights study on the impact of hashtags. Our original research showed they have neither helpful nor harmful impact on follower growth or engagement, but we debate how much nuance is in the data. Are there exceptions to the rule? If so, […]

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The unaware audience 20

Marketing to Machines: the B2M segment

As a marketer, your sole focus should be how to reach your audience. In the digital space, the way that you can reach people is constantly evolving. Your marketing plans involve methods to engage with people on different platforms, build brand awareness, and understand behaviors that lead to purchases. Depending on your products and services, […]

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The unaware audience 21

{PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: Learning, Training, and Professional Development

In this week’s In-Ear Insights, Katie and Chris discuss what it takes for marketing professionals to advance their own learning and development. Should they wait for formal training? If not, how should they approach learning in a field which is constantly changing? Listen to the audio here: Download the MP3 audio here. Need help with […]

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The unaware audience 22

New Research: Social Media Influencer Benchmarks for Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter

For our one-year anniversary, we contemplated many ways to celebrate. Cake. Self-indulgent blog posts filled with navel gazing. Office party. All the things companies normally do to celebrate a milestone. The catch is, of course, that these things matter to no one except the people who work at the company. So instead, we made useful […]

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The unaware audience 23

{PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: How To Plan for Chatbots

In this episode of In-Ear Insights, listen as Katie and Chris discuss chatbots in marketing. What are chatbots good at? What are they bad at? Will chatbots take your job? How do you build the training library of questions a chatbot should answer? Katie and Chris also reference some of the common platforms like SnapEngage, […]

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The unaware audience 25

When charts go wrong and how to fix them

We’re far from perfect and we don’t always get things right the first time. We’re continually learning from our mistakes with the goal of personal and professional growth. At Trust Insights, we strongly believe in our core values in want to live up to them every single day. That includes always trying to do better […]

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The unaware audience 26

{PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: Conference and Event Content Marketing

In this episode of In-Ear Insights, Katie and Chris talk through what marketers should do to prepare for and make the most of event and conference marketing. What should marketers prepare in advance? How do you network effectively at events? Listen in as they discuss best practices, tips, and ways to get as much out […]

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Identifying Influencers at Adobe Summit and #MKTGnation

Trust Insights’ event heat maps are an easy way to identify who the influencers are at an event. In the past, people would monitor social media to see the most active people at events based on their posts, or (even less relevant) their follower counts. Taking the lead from Search Engines (who copied the concept […]

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The unaware audience 11

{PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: Customer Experience Analytics

In this episode, Katie and Chris review the field of customer experience analytics. What are customer experience analytics, and what comprises their components? From simple data points like returning users to the website to Net Promoter Scores, join them on a walk through the customer journey and how to measure it at every step. Listen […]

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The unaware audience 12

How Much Do Hashtags Matter on Facebook and Instagram?

One of the perennial questions asked by social media marketers is, how much do hashtags matter? Should we use them? How many? After all, we’ve all see Instagram posts that are #unreadable #because #of #how #many #hashtags #are #crammed #into #the #post. Is this effective? The first question we have to ask is, what’s the […]

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