Instagram for Influencers

Instagram for Influencers

This data was originally featured in the August 21, 2024 newsletter found here:INBOX INSIGHTS, August 21, 2024: Internal and External Audiences, Instagram for Influencers In this week’s Data Diaries, we dig into the second set of snapshots from Crowdtangle, the now-decommissioned data utility from Meta. Crowdtangle was unique among data provider companies in that they […]

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Unstructured Data Analysis With AI

Unstructured Data Analysis With AI

This data was originally featured in the August 7th, 2024 newsletter found here: INBOX INSIGHTS, August 7, 2024: Generative AI All or Nothing, Unstructured Data Analysis with AI In this week’s Data Diaries, let’s talk about a use case for generative AI that very few people think about: generation of quantitative data. Now, before we […]

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