Powering Modern SEO with Social Media DataWhat makes search engine optimization work in 2021? How will search marketers adjust to ever more sophisticated AI algorithms?

Advances in artificial intelligence have negated or even made harmful old, traditional search engine optimization (SEO) practices. Search marketers who seek growth from organic search traffic must now compete not only against other direct competitors but also against Google itself. With Googleโ€™s massive technological footprint and infrastructure, few companies are capable of competing with them on a technology basis; however, search marketers who optimize for the same target objectives as Google will continue to thrive.

In this paper from Talkwalker and Trust Insights, you’ll learn:

  • How search engines have changed
  • How Google’s search AI learns
  • How to optimize your search engine optimization program with an unexpected data source: social media monitoring data.

Focusing on human-centric content by incorporating social media data into SEO allows even small companies to be competitive in organic search practices without massive investments in artificial intelligence and machine learning hardware and talent.

Download your copy of the paper here:

Powering Modern SEO with Social Media Data

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